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Determinant of a certain Vandermonde matrix

Is there a closed form expression for the determinant of the $n\times n$ Vandermonde-type matrix $$A = \left(\begin{array}{} 1&g_1 & x_1&g_1 x_1 & x_1^2&g_1 x_1^2 & \cdots &...
Fred Hucht's user avatar
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Homogeneous polynomials, mixed determinants, positive definiteness

Are there $n\times n$ real matrices $A_{1}, \ldots, A_{n}$ such that the $n$-homogeneous polynomial $$ f(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}) = \det(x_{1} A_{1}+\cdots +x_{n} A_{n}) $$ never vanishes on $\...
Paata Ivanishvili's user avatar
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Nonzero subdeterminants conjecture: has anybody seen this anywhere?

I already posted this question on Mathematics StackExchange. A user there suggested that I rather post it on mathoverflow, since it is a research question. So here it is. Let $m\geq2$, $n\geq1$ be ...
chizhek's user avatar
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The determinant of a $4\times4$ matrix associated to some specific polynomial as follow

Let $f\in \mathbb{R}[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$ defined by $$f_a(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=\prod_{1\leqslant i<j\leqslant4}(x_i-x_j)^{2a_{ij}}$$ where $a=(a_{12},a_{13},a_{14},a_{23},a_{24},a_{34})\in \mathbb{N}^6$. ...
user173856's user avatar
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Is there a matrix with this specific quadratic determinant?

We have $\det M=(a+b)(c+d)$ where $M=\begin{bmatrix} a& 0& -1& 0\\ 0& c& 0& -1\\ b& 0& 1& 0\\ 0& d& 0& 1 \end{bmatrix}$ and $\det M'=(a'+b')(c'+d')$...
Turbo's user avatar
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Detecting if a polynomial is a Pfaffian

Given an explicit polynomial, is there any kind of trick/algorithm to check whether it is a pfaffian of a matrix with linear entries? The pfaffian can be defined as $\sqrt{{\rm det}(A) } $ when $A$ ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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How to prove the following equation (which involves binomials and determinant of 2×2 matrices)?

I have tried many ways to prove the following equation, such as the method of induction and expanding all the terms in the summation,but things got more complicated.I could not find an appropriate ...
tongjun's user avatar
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Decomposition of a determinant

Let $M$ be a $4\times 4$ symmetric matrix whose entries $m_{i,j}$ for $i,j =1,\dots,4$ are homogeneous polynomials of degree $2$ in $3$ variables. Assume that $m_{1,1} = 0$. Does there exist a ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Roots of determinant of matrix with polynomial entries

Let $p_1, p_2,\dots, p_n$ and $q_1,q_2,\dots,q_n$ be a collection of complex polynomials. Let $A$ be a $n \times n$ matrix satisfying $$a_{ij} = \begin{cases} p_i(x) & \text{ if } i = j, \\ q_i(x)...
GA316's user avatar
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Roots of determinant of matrix with polynomial entries — a generalization

For $1 \le i, j \le k$, consider $\rho_{ij}$ which are equal to either zero or one such that $\rho_{ii}=1$ and $\rho_{ij}=0$ if and only if $\rho_{ji}=0$. How to find the zeros of the determinant of ...
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