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Reference request: Derived structure on the moduli stack of Higgs bundles

I am reading arXiv:1708.08124. When talking about the moduli stack of Higgs bundles on a projective curve $X$. It is said on page 59, first paragraph that It is often better to put derived ...
Chan Ki Fung's user avatar
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DAG vs Classical algebraic geometry

I have a very vague question, but also a fairly specific wish. Namely, I'm wondering what the similarities and differences are between the theory of ordinary schemes on the one hand, and the theory of ...
Maanroof's user avatar
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vanishing of higher homotopy sheaves of cotangent complex

Let $X$ be a $\mathbb{C}$-scheme and suppose that there is an isomorphism (in the derived category of qc-sheaves on $X$) between the cotangent complex, $\mathbb{L}_{X}$, and its 0th homotopy sheaf, ...
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What are projective morphisms in derived algebraic geometry

I was curious if someone could point me to a reference or tell me if there is any notion of projective morphism between derived schemes? What about a notion of Proj? Also I am interested in what blow-...
Karl's user avatar
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Exterior tensor of derived categories of coherent sheaves

Let $X, Y$ be Noetherian perfect derived stacks over $S$ a regular perfect derived stack. Consider the exterior tensor functor $$\text{DCoh}(X) \otimes_{\text{DCoh}(S)} \text{DCoh}(Y) \rightarrow \...
math no more's user avatar
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Analysis of Eilenberg-MacLane Stacks

In a series of three papers from the fifties, Eilenberg and MacLane did a pretty exhaustive study of what we now call "Eilenberg-MacLane spaces" and used a lot of machinery to do it, e.g. Whitehead's $...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Resolutions of semi free (or almost free) commutative dg algebras with finitely generated cohomology

Let $A^{\bullet}:=\{ \cdots \rightarrow A^i \overset{d^i}{\rightarrow} A^{i+1} \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow A^{-1} \rightarrow A^0 \rightarrow 0 \rightarrow \cdots \}$ be a non-positively graded ...
YkMz's user avatar
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Moduli stack of doubly periodic complexes?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian category. In HAG II Toen and Vessozi built a higher derived stack $X$ whose category of perfect complexes is $\text{Perf}(X)\simeq D^b(\mathcal{A})$. So $X$ is a good ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Higher-order HKR theorems?

Recall that Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg -type theorems identify certain smoothness conditions guaranteeing an isomorphism between the cotangent complex and (a shift of) the Hochschild homology of an ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Is the homotopy limit of derived schemes along affine maps a derived scheme?

The title question is true in the setting of ordinary limits and ordinary schemes; that is, given an inverse limit of schemes along affine maps, the limit still lives in the category of schemes. I'd ...
Eric's user avatar
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Formally étale maps of animated $k$-algebras

In Lurie's DAG, he defines what it means for a natural transformation $T:\mathcal{F}\to\mathcal{F}'$ of functors $\mathcal{F},\mathcal{F}':\mathcal{SCR}\to\mathcal{S}$ to be formally étale. Namely, it ...
Eric's user avatar
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About derived divided power envelope

Assume $A$ is a $\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$-algebra with ideal $I$ and $A,A/I$ are $p$-torsionfree. In this survey, Akhil Mathew defines the derived divided power envelope $LD_I(A)$ in Construction 7.15, after ...
Yang Chen's user avatar
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Lie bracket on the unshifted tangent complex?

My problem is as follows: if $X$ is a derived scheme, or derived stack, or any kind of a space where tangent complex makes sense, I guess there should be a lie bracket on its tangent complex, ...
dpistalo's user avatar
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Do dg schemes have derived points?

Working over a base field $k$ of characteristic $0$, say $K$ is a field (over $k$) and $X$ is a ("nice" if necessary) dg scheme in the sense of Toen-Vezzosi and others, and say $X^0$ is the reduced ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Compact generation of quasicoherent sheaves on mapping stack

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$, and let $\mathcal{C}= \mathbf{Vect}_k^{\leq 0}$ be the $\infty$-category of vector spaces concentrated in degrees $\leq 0$. Consider the category $\mathbf{Pr}(...
Exit path's user avatar
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Why does the following construction describe the Serre functor?

In the book "Spectral Agebraic Geometry" that Jacob Lurie is currently writing, he gives a construction (, which describes the Serre functor: it has already been shown that any proper $A$-...
John Doe's user avatar
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quotient a scheme by a stratified vector bundle

Let $k$ be a field. Let $X$ be a $k$-scheme of finite type, normal and integral. We consider $f,g:R\rightarrow X$ an equivalence relation, surjective and such that it is a stratified vector bundle, i....
prochet's user avatar
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Geometric stability conditions on calabi-yau's fibred over Fano always identical to geometric stability conditions on Fano

I apologize in advance for the long title. This question is motivated primarily by [2], with the explicit example of $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $\omega_{\mathbb{P}^2}$ computed in [3] and [1], respectively. ...
cdsb's user avatar
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Computing Grothendieck group of (unnodal) Enriques surface

Let $X$ be an unnodal Enriques surface together with an isotropic 10-sequence $\{ f_1, \dots, f_{10}\} \subset \operatorname{Num}(X)$, and let $F_i^\pm \in \operatorname{NS}(X)$ denote the two ...
cdsb's user avatar
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Fourier-Mukai transform is the derived functor

In Mukai's paper Duality between $D(X)$ and $D(\hat{X})$ with its application to Picard sheaves, Nagoya Math Journal, 1981, there is one sentence that puzzles me. Let $X$ be an abelian variety over an ...
Doug Liu's user avatar
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Is the cotangent complex sensitive to truncation?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Sym{Sym}\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}$If $V$ is a dg vector space (in positive degrees), we can view it as a derived scheme $V = \Sym V^*$. It has (co)tangent complex $V$ (and $...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Two definitions of cotangent complex

I have reading a paper by Professor Pridham( Page 47-48 contains a comparison of the two definitions of the cotangent complex, but there is a part I don't understand....
Walter field's user avatar
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Étale homotopy type of (derived) loop space

A feature of derived algebraic geometry is that we have internal homs. Furthermore, we can think of $B\mathbb{Z}$ as the derived algebraic geometric analogue of $S^1$. Thus we have an analogue of the ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Schlessinger criterion and finiteness of tangent space

Schlessinger's criterion allows us to study whether or not a functor $\mathcal{F}:C_{\Lambda}\rightarrow \text{Set}$ from the category of local Artin $\Lambda$-algebras to sets is representable. One ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Open problems for shifted symplectic structures

I am now interested in shifted symplectic structures. What are the open problems of shifted symplectic structures regarding the moduli space of sheaves ? Especially now I am interested in moduli ...
Walter field's user avatar
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Is there a stacky definition of irreducible symplectic manifold?

I am now interested in studying symplectic structures in the field of stacks. In particular, is there a stacky definition of irreducible symplectic manifold ? I'm also interested in similar things in ...
Walter field's user avatar
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Perfect complexes on affine schemes

I'm reading a paper on algebraic stacks and in some part is stated the following: Let $X$ be an algebraic stack and let $P\in D_{qc}(X)$ be a perfect complex. Then, for every $x\in |X|$, there ...
Merik's user avatar
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How can we construct a derived scheme as a gluing of derived schemes?

More precisely, consider a Segal groupoid $X_*$ in an infinity category of derived schemes : dSch In Toen's note, 'Derived Algebraic Geometry', he defines a 1-Artin stacks as a homotopy colimits of ...
keaton's user avatar
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derived invariants, perversity and modular coefficients

Let $\pi:X\rightarrow Y$ a Galois cover of finite type schemes over $\mathbb{C}$ of group $\Gamma$. Let $n$ an integer such that it is not prime with the order of $\Gamma$. Then $\pi_{*}\mathbb{Z}/n\...
prochet's user avatar
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Classifying Spaces and Eilenberg-Maclane objects in the category of simplicial rings

[Skip down to the bottom for a correction] Let's work over a field k, assume it is as nice as you need it to be.. Suppose I have an ordinary (edit: commutative) affine group scheme G = Spec(A) over k, ...
ahar's user avatar
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Cone of morphism induced by Serre duality

For a smooth projective variety $X$, Serre duality gives an exact autoequivalence on the derived category : $$ S_X : D^\flat(X) \to D^\flat(X), \hspace{3em} S_X(-) = - \otimes \omega_X[\dim X] $$ ...
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