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Relationship between Fourier inversion theorem and convergence of "nested" Fourier series representations of $f(x)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\erf{erf}\DeclareMathOperator\sech{sech}\DeclareMathOperator\sgn{sgn}\DeclareMathOperator\sinc{sinc}$This is a cross-post of a question I posted on MSE a couple of weeks ago which ...
5 votes
0 answers

Computing sums with linear conditions quickly

Let $f:\{1,\dotsc,N\}\to \mathbb{C}$, $\beta:\{1,\dotsc,N\}\to [0,1]$ be given by tables (or, what is basically the same, assume their values can be computed in constant time). For $0\leq \gamma_0\leq ...
5 votes
3 answers

Does this formula correspond to a series representation of the Dirac delta function $\delta(x)$?

Consider the following formula which defines a piece-wise function which I believe corresponds to a series representation for the Dirac delta function $\delta(x)$. The parameter $f$ is the evaluation ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why do convoluted convolved Fibonacci numbers pop up from this triangle?

Start with this triangle (OEIS A118981). This triangle is simple to generate with the following recurrence relation (though $T(0,0)$ ends up different from the OEIS version): $$ T(0,0) = 2;T(1,0) = 1;...