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A reference for geometric class field theory?

The classic reference of this topic is Serre's Algebraic Groups and Class Fields. However, many parts of this book use Weil's language, which I find quite hard to follow. Is there another reference ...
QcH's user avatar
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Tables of class numbers of cyclotomic fields

Does anyone have a table of the class numbers ($h_n$) of cyclotomic fields (upto say, n = 250-300 for $\mathbb Q(\mu_n)$)? I can find tables for the relative class number ($h_n^-$) in various places ...
Asvin's user avatar
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How many ways are there to teach class field theory?

I will soon have to teach class field theory (I do not know whether it will be local or global yet:)) to postgraduate students. I wonder, which approaches to this subject(s) exist now. I definitely ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Diophantine equations over cyclotomic fields

Let $\mathbb{Q}^{\text{ab}}$ be the compositum of all finite abelian extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$. Explicitly, $\mathbb{Q}^{\text{ab}}$ is the field obtained from $\mathbb{Q}$ by adjoining all roots of ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Reference for: power residue symbols are Hecke characters

Notation. Let $n$ be a positive integer, let $\mu_n\subseteq \mathbb C$ be the set of $N$-th roots of unity, let $K$ be a number field containing $\mu_n$, let $R$ be the ring of integers of $K$, let $...
Luca Ghidelli's user avatar
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Class number of imaginary quadratic fields

Let $n$ be a positive squarefree integer, and let $h_n$ denote the class number of the imaginary quadratic field $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-n})$. Then, is it true that $h_n$ is odd if and only if $n$ is a ...
user492144's user avatar