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Computing characters of $\alpha$-projective representations

Given a finite group $G$, a finite cyclic group $A$ (viewed as a subgroup of $\mathbb{C}^{\times}$, i.e. generated by a $|A|$-th root of unity), and a 2-cocycle $\alpha\in Z^{2}(G,A)$. Recall that an $...
Paul's user avatar
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Abelian characters and odd perfect numbers?

This question is about applications of abelian characters to odd perfect numbers: Context and Definitions: Let $n$ be a natural number and $D_n$ be the set of divisors. We can make this set to a ring ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Terminology for the "natural probability measure" on the set of irreducible characters of a finite group

To be specific: if $G$ is a finite group and $\operatorname{Irr}(G)$ the set of its irreducible characters (over the complex field) then we know that $$ 1 = \sum_{\phi \in {\rm Irr}(G)} \frac{(d_\phi)^...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Character table of the symmetric group $S_n$ according to James

In James, "The representation theory of the symmetric groups" an algorithm is described to produce the character table of a symmetric group. The proof involves the equation (pp. 22,23) $$\...
Stefan Witzel's user avatar
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Expressing $\sum_{g\in [G/H]}ge_Hg^{-1}\in Z(\mathbb{C}[G])$ in terms of primitive central idempotents?

Suppose $G$ is a finite group, and $H$ a subgroup. For an irreducible character $\chi$ of $G$, there is a central idempotent in the group algebra $\mathbb{C}[G]$: $$ e_\chi=\frac{\chi(1)}{|G|}\sum_{g\...
Denise Gi's user avatar
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Does $G$ have a normal abelian Sylow $2$-subgroup?

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $|G|=2^\alpha n$ where $(2,n)=1$ and $\alpha$ is a positive integer. Suppose that $\def\cd{\operatorname{cd}} n=\max \cd(G)$, and $n^2>\frac{1}{2}|G|$, where $\cd(G)$...
C. Simon's user avatar
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Length *vs* table of characters

Let $G$ be a finite group. Its length $\ell(G)$ is the length $n$ of any Jordan-Hölder filtration $1=G_n\subset\cdots\subset G_0=G$ ($G_i$ is normal in $G_{i-1}$ and $G_{i-1}/G_i$ is simple). Can $\...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Degrees of irreducible characters of groups of order 48 [closed]

Hello i wonder if there is a simple argument to show that no group of order 48 can have an irreducible character of degree larger than 4? Thanks, Karim
Karim's user avatar
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The lower bound of a group with characters of special degrees

Is there any lower bound for the order of a group with an irreducible character of degree $p$, where $p$ is a prime. Is there any similar result for $p^2$ or $p^3$ instead of $p$? Thanks for your ...
BHZ's user avatar
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In which finite groups is there a non-central g such that, for all irreducible characters, Chi(i)(g) <> zero?

What is the character of Pi(G), the tensor product of all inequivalent irreducible representations of G?
john mckay's user avatar
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Some special characters of finite groups

Let $G$ be a finite group, for each irreducible character $\chi$, we define ${\bf Z}(\chi)$ to be the set of all $x\in G$ such that $|\chi(x)|=\chi(e)$ when $e$ is the identity of the group. For every ...
Mahmood Alaghmandan's user avatar
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Existence of universal bound related to characters

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\lambda \in \text{Irr}(G)$ an irreducible complex character of $G$. Let $m(\lambda) := \min \{ \vert G : H \vert \mid H \leq G, \lambda\vert_H \text{ has a linear ...
Jan's user avatar
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Restriction of real irreducible 2-Brauer characters to subnormal subgroups

Question: Find a finite group $G$, a subnormal subgroup $H$ of $G$, a real-valued irreducible $2$-Brauer character $\chi$ of $G$ and a real-valued irreducible $2$-Brauer character $\mu$ of $H$ such ...
John Murray's user avatar
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Characters of alternating groups

I am studying certain properties of characters of alternating groups and I have found precisely three characters not satisfying it up to $A_{15}$. These are: A character of dimension $3.696$ of $A_{...
dm82424's user avatar
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Action of diagonal automorphisms on the set of irreducible characters of $D_n(q)$

Let $S$ be $D_n(q)$ where $q$ is a prime power. We know that a diagonal automorphism $\phi_h$ of $S$ is of the form $g\mapsto hgh^{-1}$, where $h\in \hat H$ and $\hat H$ normalizes $S$. Note that $\...
user44312's user avatar
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When does a finite group have a lower-dimensional representation than one of its quotients?

The minimal dimension of a nontrivial representation of a central extension of a group $G$ can be smaller than the minimal dimension of a nontrivial representation of $G$. What about non-central ...
Jeong Seon's user avatar
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The tallest possible lattice?

Let O be a complete discrete valuation ring and G a finite group. Recall that a finitely generated O-free OG-module $M$ such that the traces of the invertible endomorphisms of $M$ generate a strictly ...
user26223's user avatar
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Are the character degrees determined by the conjugacy class sizes?

The computation below (part 1) shows that if two finite groups of order at most $100$ have the same (ordered) list of conjugacy class sizes, then they also have the same (ordered) list of (irreducible)...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Groups with many vanishing elements

It is well-known that every non-linear character $\chi$ of a finite group $G$ vanishes on some elements of $G\setminus Z(\chi)$. The question is What can be said about a finite group $G$ for which $\...
M. Farrokhi D. G.'s user avatar
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On the character degrees of a finite group with special structure

Let $G$ be a finite group such that $G$ has a normal subgroup $N$ of order $p(p^2+1)/2$, where $p>13$ is an odd prime and $p\ne 239$. Also $G/N\cong \text{PSL}(2,p)$. Can we say that there exists a ...
BHZ's user avatar
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Character extension about $Q_8$

Recently, I am studying the book Navarro - Character Theory and the McKay Conjecture. I am trying to solve the following exercise: (Exercise 5.9) Let $G$ be a finite group and $N\unlhd G$, suppose ...
Shi Chen's user avatar
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Character degrees of a finite group?

Let $G$ be a finite group, $R(G)$ be the solvable radical of $G$, and $G/R(G)$ be an almost simple group with socle $S\cong PSL_2(3^p)$, where $p$ is an odd prime. Also let $[G/R(G):S]=p$ and $\theta$ ...
asad's user avatar
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The degrees of ordinary characters of $PSp(2n,q)$ and $P\Omega O(2n+1,q)$

The finite simple groups $PSp(2n,q)$ and $P\Omega O(2n+1,q)$ have a same order, where $n\geqslant3$ and $q$ is odd. What are the degrees of the ordinary characters of these two groups? Thanks!!!
C. Simon's user avatar
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associativity of the extension of finie groups [closed]

Following my previous question I have two questions: 1.the extensions of the group is associative or not, i.e. as we know by the notations of atlas if $S={\rm PSL}(2,q)$, where $q=p^f>9$, then $2....
Behsa's user avatar
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Is $G$ non-solvable?

Let $G$ be a finite group of order $2^7\cdot3^3\cdot5^2\cdot7$. Let $\mathrm{Irr}(G)$ be the set of all the irreducible $\mathbb{C}$-characters. Suppose that (1) there is a character $\chi\in\mathrm{...
C. Simon's user avatar
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Counting the number of generating triples of various types in finite simple groups

I am trying to figure out how specific generating triples in finite simple groups are calculated. My understanding is that it uses Frobenius's formula and character theory. I'm not an expert on ...
Kris's user avatar
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Definition of "tame $p$-part of $\chi$"

At the beginning of Haruzo Hida's article "Big Galois representations and $p$-adic L functions", he has defined $$\chi_1= \textrm{the } N_0 \textrm{-part of} \chi \times \textrm{the tame } p\textrm{-...
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