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2 votes
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Automorphism of positive characteristic field

Suppose $K$ is a field with $\text{char}(K) \geq 0$. Let $L$ be a cyclic extension of $K$ with degree $2n$. We consider the generator $\sigma$ of the Galois group $\text{Gal}(L/K)$. I am interested in ...
4 votes
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Reference request: Radicial morphisms & Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence

My name is Chemy (Przemysław). I am a PhD student at UvA (Amsterdam), and I work on projects related to foliations in algebraic geometry in positive characteristic. Therefore I am avidely reading two ...
4 votes
1 answer

perfect fields in positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an infinite perfect field in positive characteristic $p$, i.e. every element of $k$ is a $p$th power. I am interested in properties of finite fields that can be extended to $k$. For example:...
4 votes
0 answers

Non-cyclic Galois groups over the field of formal Laurent series in positive characteristic

This should be an easy question, but I am unfortunately not able to give an answer, so I am sorry if this is not the appropriate level for the site. Let $C$ be an algebraically closed field of ...
5 votes
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Exact differential forms in characteristic $p>0$

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Suppose $1< e_i <p$ for $i=1,2, \ldots, n$ are integers ($n \ge 2$). What are the conditions on the $e_i$'s so that the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Given a branched cover with branch cycle description $(g_1,...,g_r)$, does $g_i$ generate some decomposition group?

Classically: Let $a_1,...,a_r$ be points in $\mathbb{P}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$, and let $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_r$ be simple loops around the $a_i$, all counterclockwise, and none touching (so $\alpha_1...\...