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T functions arising from derivatives of incomplete Gamma function

Here the derivatives of the incomplete gamma functions are described via: $$ T(m,s,x) = G_{m-1,\,m}^{\,m,\,0} \!\left( \left. \begin{matrix} 0, 0, \dots, 0 \\ s-1, -1, \dots, -1 \end{matrix} \; \right|...
user18722294's user avatar
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Motivation behind the Bohr-Mollerup Theorem relating the Gamma function

In Wikipedia, it states about the Bohr-Mollerup Theorem: The theorem was first published in a textbook on complex analysis, as Bohr and Mollerup thought it had already been proved. If anyone knows, ...
Mr.MathDoctor's user avatar
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Gamma function and the somewhat extended version of Bohr-Mollerup theorem

The Gamma function $\Gamma$ is defined by \begin{equation*} \Gamma(x)=\int_{0}^\infty t^{x-1}e^{-t} \,\mathrm{d}t, \end{equation*} for $x>0$. It satisfies the well-known functional equation $$\...
Mr.MathDoctor's user avatar
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definite integral with incomplete gamma function and exponential

While working with electron density computations in quantum chemistry, I encountered the following improper integral: $$ I(k, n) = \int\limits_0^\infty \Gamma\left(\frac{3}{n},\ k r^n\right) r \exp(-k ...
Igor's user avatar
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The exact constant in a bound on ratios of Gamma functions

The answer to another question (Upper bound of the fraction of Gamma functions) gave an asymptotic upper bound for an expression with Gamma functions: $$\left(\frac{\Gamma(a+b)}{a\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)}\...
user124297's user avatar
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Upper bound of the fraction of Gamma functions

Is there a simple upper bound of the following fraction of Gamma functions for any $a,b\geq1/2$: $$\left(\frac{\Gamma(a+b)}{a\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)}\right)^{1/a}$$ An upper bound in the following form is ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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An integral identity evaluating the gamma function

While reading a number theory paper I encountered the identity $$ \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} (1 + x^2)^{ - \frac{z}{2} - 1} dx = \sqrt{\pi} \frac{ \Gamma(\frac{z + 1}{2}) }{\Gamma(\frac{z}{2} + 1)},$$ ...
Frank Thorne's user avatar
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Is this combination of generalized polygamma and dilogarithm actually zero? $\Im\;\psi^{(-2)}(1+i)+\frac1{4\pi}\text{Li}_2(e^{-2\pi})-\log\sqrt{2\pi}+\frac{5\pi}{24}+\frac12$

I encountered this quantity in my calculations and tried to simplify it. Approximate numeric calculations suggested it could be zero (more precisely, it is certainly less than $10^{-4\times10^3}$ in ...
Oksana Gimmel's user avatar
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Inverse gamma function?

This is an analysis question I remember thinking about in high school. Reading some of the other topics here reminded me of this, and I'd like to hear other people's solutions to this. We have the ...
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