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Do all nonnegative integers appear in A051521?

For every positive integer $n$, $\tau(n)$ is the number of divisors of $n$. If we list the ratio of each positive integer $n$ to $\tau(n)$,they form a rational sequence 1,1,3/2,4/3,5/2,3/2,… Because $\...
Tong Lingling's user avatar
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A definition related to pseudoprimes and the Dedekind psi function

In this post we consider that $\psi(k)$ denotes the Dedekind psi function. Wikipedia has an artcle dedicated to this arithmetic function Dedekind psi function defined for a positive integers $m>1$ ...
user142929's user avatar
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On a type of equations that involve certain multiplicative functions and polynomials, in relation to their number of solutions

Past weekend I was interested in the sequence A058891 from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, from this, inspired by the equation due to Benoit Cloitre (2002) that shows the comments, I ...
user142929's user avatar
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The Euler's totient function and the product of distinct primes dividing $n$ versus the Heronian means

For integers $n\geq 1$ with $$\operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid n\\p\text{ prime}}}p$$ we denote the squarefree kernel or radical of an integer $n$ (see if you want this Wikipedia). And $\...
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