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Variational proof for minimum curvature of cubic splines

Background: Given an increasing set of points $(x_i)_{i=0}^n \subset \mathbb [a,b]$, a cubic spline $S(x)\in C^2([a,b])$ is a piecewise cubic polynomial on each subinterval $(x_i, x_{i+1})$. Given a ...
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Optimal $L^2$ bounds of cubic spline interpolation

Let $s(x)$ be the natural cubic spline interpolant of a function $f\in C^4$. There are known bounds on the $L^{\infty}$ error, $\|f^{(r)}(x) - s^{(r)} (x) \|_{\infty} $ for $r=0,1,2,3$. See Hall & ...
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Cubic interpolating spline – number of extremum points

Question: Given $f\in C^2 [a,b]$, and $s$ its "natural cubic spline" interpolant on some grid/knots $a= t_0 < t_1<t_2 < \ldots < t_n = b$, is there a bound on the number of ...
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Smoothness Conditions for Planar "Mock-parametric" Spline Interpolation

By "mock-parametric" interpolating curves I understand a class of curves that connect a discrete sequence of points with a predefined degree of smoothness and, that correspond to a non-...
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