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Geometric interpretation of sheaf cohomology

Please forgive me for the informal and naïve nature of my question, as I am a beginner in algebraic geometry. In the famous book by Hartshorne, sheaf cohomology is defined as a certain derived functor....
George's user avatar
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flatness of restriction of structure sheaf over ring of global sections

Let $X$ be an affine scheme. $U \subseteq X$ open. Then I want to show that $\mathcal{O}_X(U)$ is flat over $\mathcal{O}_X(X)$. But I want to prove it only by knowing the definition of structure sheaf ...
Hamed Khalilian's user avatar
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Is this double quotient of $\operatorname{SL}_2$ representable by an algebraic space or a scheme?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $B$ be a Borel subgroup (upper triangular matrices), and let $\Gamma := \langle \sigma\rangle$ be the group generated by a (hyperbolic) element of $\SL_2/\mathbb{Q}_p$ ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Subobject classifier for sheaves on large sites with WISC

Let $\mathsf{C}$ be a possibly large category with a Grothendieck topology satisfying the Weakly Initial Set of Covers condition: there is for each $X$ a set (not a proper class) of covering families ...
Robbie Lyman's user avatar
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What is $\text{Hom}(\mathcal{F}\times\mathcal{G}, \mathbb{A}^1)$?

Let $S$ be an affine scheme and let $\text{Aff}(S)$ be the site of affine $S$-schemes. Let $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{G}$ be a pair of sheaves on $\text{Aff}(S)$, and let $\mathbb{A}^1_S$ be the ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Is this functor $\mathcal{F}: \text{Sch}/\mathbb{Q}\longrightarrow \text{Sets}$ a sheaf?

Consider the functor $\mathcal{F}: \text{Sch}/\mathbb{Q}\longrightarrow \text{Sets}$, defined by sending a scheme $X$ with coordinate ring $\mathcal{O}(X)$ to the set of orbits $B(\mathcal{O}(X))\...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Why does the associated sheaf vanish?

I am learning local cohomology from Hartshorne’s book Local Cohomology. My question is about understanding a line in the proof of proposition 1.11 in this book. The set-up for proposition 1.11 is that ...
Boris's user avatar
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The stack $\operatorname{GL}_2/B$

Let $F$ be the functor from the category of affinoid Tate algebras over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ to the category $\mathrm{Sets}$, which maps an affinoid $\operatorname{Spm} R$ to the set of orbits $\...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Normal bundle of a linear subspace

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^N$ be a smooth scheme theoretical complete intersection, and $H\subset X$ a linear subspace. Denote by $N_{H,X}$ the normal bundle of $H$ in $X$. If $\dim(H) = 1$, that is $H$ ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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About the support of a holonomic D-module

Let $X$ be a smooth algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $M^\bullet\in\mathsf{D}^b_\text{h}(\mathcal{D}_X)$ be a complex of D-modules with holonomic cohomologies. We define the support of $M^\...
Gabriel's user avatar
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"Quasi-coherent" vector spaces in Sch/S

$\DeclareMathOperator\Vec{Vec}\newcommand\Sch{\mathrm{Sch}}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Let $S$ be a base scheme. Let me write $\Vec(S)$ to denote the category of $\mathbb A_S$-vector space objects ...
Nico's user avatar
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Do the covariant maps of a sheaf with transfer automatically satisfy a dual gluing axiom?

I'm interested in describing a notion of equivariant sheaves that uses Mackey functors on topoi. We can describe a genuine G-spectrum as a spectral Mackey functor on the topos of finite G-sets. If we ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
6 votes
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Subsheaves of Spec K, K a field

$\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}\newcommand\Ring{\mathrm{Ring}}\newcommand\op{^\text{op}}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\Sh{Sh}$In the category of schemes the objects of the form $\...
Nico's user avatar
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What do we know about a sheaf $M$ if we know its derived fibers $\mathsf{L}x^* M$, for $x\in X(k)$?

Let $X$ be a scheme over a field $k$. (Feel free to assume that $X$ is an algebraic variety, if needed.) Also, let $M^\bullet$ be a complex in the derived category of quasi-coherent sheaves $\mathsf{D}...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Basic question on projective bundles

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a coherent sheaf on an irreducible scheme $S$ ($S$ can be pretty nice, say noetherian of finite type), and let $\mathbf{P}(\mathcal{E}):=\mathrm{Proj}(\mathrm{Sym}(\mathcal{E}))$ ...
rfauffar's user avatar
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Canonicity in split sequence in cotangent spaces

Let $X$ be a locally ringed space. We have for a point $p$ the exact sequence $$0\to \mathfrak{m}_p^2\to \mathfrak{m}_p\to \mathfrak{m}_p/\mathfrak{m}_p^2 \to 0$$ where $\mathfrak{m}_p$ is the maximal ...
Arturo's user avatar
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When the sheaf of principal parts is reflexive?

Following EGA IV, we can construct the sheaf of principal parts of a sheaf $\mathcal{E}$ over a scheme $X$ by $\mathcal{P}_X^n(\mathcal{E}) = \mathcal{P}_X^n \otimes \mathcal{E}$, where $\otimes$ is ...
gabriel fazoli's user avatar
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On the generalization of a Cech-to-sheaf type spectral sequence

Let $(X,O_{X})$ be a ringed space and $\mathcal{F^{\bullet}}$ be a bounded below complex of $O_{X}$-modules on $(X,O_{X})$. On [Stacks Project 20.25.1][1] it is shown that there is a weakly convergent ...
FPV's user avatar
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Norm of sections on $T$-invariant subspace of a homogenous space over $\mathbb{Q}_p$

Let $K=\mathbb{Q}_p$ and $G$ a split reductive group over $K$ with split maximal torus $T$. Furthermore, $X$ is a smooth projective variety over $K$ with a free $G$-action. Let $U \subset X$ be a $T$-...
KKD's user avatar
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Is there a Čech-like way of computing $H^\bullet(X,M^\bullet)$ or even $\mathsf{R}f_* M^\bullet$?

Let $X$ be a topological space (or a site) and let $M$ be a sheaf on $X$. If $X$ is paracompact, or if $X$ is a noetherian separated scheme and $M$ is quasi-coherent, or if $X$ is quasi-projective ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Some question about (semi-)stable sheaves

Let $X$ be a projective normal variety over $\mathbb C$, I have several questions about semi-stable sheaves: Question 1. Suppose that $E$ is a pure sheaf such that $HN_*(E)$ is the Harder-Narasimhan ...
Li Yutong's user avatar
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Is the determinant line bundle of a coherent sheaf functorial (between sheaves of the same rank)?

The determinant line bundle of a coherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on an $n$-dimensional (smooth) analytic space is defined as \begin{equation} \det \mathcal{F} := \bigotimes_i^n (\det \mathcal{E}_i)^{⊗...
Carlos Esparza's user avatar
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Joins of (closed) subschemes and Zariski-local Z-functors

$\newcommand\Aff{\mathrm{Aff}}\newcommand\cRing{\mathrm{cRing}}\newcommand\Sch{\mathrm{Sch}}$Equip $\Aff = \cRing^\text{op}$ with the Zariski Grothendieck-topology. There are nested categories: $$\Aff\...
Nico's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb{C}^*$ not irreducible, or is every locally constant sheaf on $\mathbb{C}^*$ constant?

I am running into contradiction from the following set of definitions, propositions, and assumptions. Can anyone spot where I'm off? Definition A sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on a topological space $X$ is ...
locally trivial's user avatar
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Chern class of torsion sheaf support on a point

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface. Let $p$ be a closed point of $X$. Let $k(p)$ be the corresponding skyscraper sheaf, then actually we could use Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch to calculate the Chern ...
Mike's user avatar
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Zorn's lemma for Grothendieck sites

In every treatment of Grothendieck sites I can find, flasque sheaves are not defined in the way one would naïvely expect from ordinary sheaf cohomology; namely instead of saying that "restriction ...
cat man's user avatar
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Where can I find a definition of $\underline{H}^p(X, \mathscr{F})$?

Let $X$ be a topological space and $\mathscr{F}$ a sheaf on $X$. In the paper Tropical cycle classes for non-archimedean spaces and weight decomposition of de Rham cohomology sheaves by Yifeng Liu, ...
Jakob Werner's user avatar
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Stalks of Sheaves

I saw a statement in a paper like what follows: Let $X=\text{Spec} A$ be an affine scheme, and let $\mathscr{F}$ be a sheaf of $\mathscr{O}_X$-modules on $X$. For each geometric point $x$ of $X$ we ...
AAAS's user avatar
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Two natural morphisms of sheaves with the same source and target; do they agree?

Suppose we have a diagram $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} A @>a>> B\\ @V b V V @VV c V\\ C @>>d> D @>e>> E \\ @VfVV @VVgV @VVhV \\ F @>>i> G @>>j> H \end{CD}...
user333154's user avatar
15 votes
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Is it true that $\operatorname{2-colim}_U \textsf{QCoh}(U) = \textsf{Vect}(K_X)$, as $U$ shrinks to the generic point?

Let $X$ be an integral scheme with function field $K$. If $U\subset X$ is an open subscheme, we may consider the restriction functor $$\textsf{QCoh}(X) \to \textsf{QCoh}(U).$$ I don't know much about ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Resolution of the pushforward of a vector bundle

Let $i:Z\hookrightarrow X$ be a subvariety of a compact Kahler manifold. Assume that $Z$ can be realize as the zero locus of a section $s$ of a holomorphic vector bundle $E\to X$ of rank $r$. The ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Understanding spaces is the same as understanding (sheaves of) functions on the space

I'm trying to understand Ravi Vakil's FOAG. In chapter 2 it is written: [...] understanding spaces is the same as understanding (sheaves of) functions on the spaces, and understanding vector bundles (...
Abel 's user avatar
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Line bundle whose pushforward is a complex of vector bundles

If $E\to X$ is a holomorphic vector bundle, it is well known that the tautological line bundle $\mathcal{O}_E(1)$ over the projectivization $\pi:\mathbb{P}(E^*)\to X$ satisfies $$\pi_*\mathcal{O}_E(1)=...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Criteria for a sheaf to be locally free over subvariety

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold and $\mathcal{F}\to X$ a sheaf. Is there a regularity criteria (or a condition) for $\mathcal{F}$ that determines whether we there exists a closed subvariety $i:...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Is this a true weakening of the quasi-coherence property?

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring, and $X=$Spec$(R)$ the associated affine scheme. Let $F$ be a sheaf of $O_X$-modules. Consider the following condition (#) For all containments $V \subseteq ...
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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Is the ideal product presheaf a sheaf? Do we have any reasons to believe it will be / it won't?

My question is about one of those several concepts in algebraic geometry who everybody uses but nobody defines or introduces properly. Given a ringed space $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ and ideal sheaves $\...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Question regarding affine fibre bundles

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a morphism of affine varieties such that it is a fibre bundle with fibre $F$. Let $\pi_1(Y)=\Gamma$ be a free group (non abelian) of finite rank and $\pi_1(F)$ is a finite group $G$ ...
tota's user avatar
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Artin-Winters proof of semi-stable reduction theorem: details

I've been reading through Artin-Winters proof of the semi-stable reduction theorem (Degenerate fibers and stable reduction of curves) and found myself confused about the following detail— Let $\...
BelowAverageIntelligence's user avatar
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Flasque sheaves on a site

This is a cross-post from MathStackexchange. We define a flasque sheaf on a site as one whose first Čech cohomology vanishes for every covering of every object of the site. I know this definition is ...
Jehu314's user avatar
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Sheaves on families of genus 2 curves in Hassett's paper

Sorry for a maybe stupid long question but I'm reading the paper "Classical and minimal models of the moduli space of curves of genus two" by Brendan Hassett and I'm not able to unravel a ...
gigi's user avatar
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Global section of pullback of an ideal sheaf

For a local ring $R$ with maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}\subset R$ and residue field $\kappa$, and a flat morphism $f\colon X\rightarrow \mathrm{Spec} R$ of schemes, we consider the short exact sequence ...
Takagi Benseki's user avatar
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Sheafifcation for the étale site

Let $X$ be a scheme and $\mathcal{F}$ a presheaf on $X_{ét}$. For each $x_{i}\in X$, pick a geometric point $\bar{x}_{i}$ over $x$ and denote by $i_{\bar{x}_{i}}:\text{Spec}(k_{i})_{\text{ét}}\...
H U's user avatar
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Sheafification of presheaf of trivial vector bundles is the stack of vector bundles

This is a deliberately vague question, possibly obvious to experts. Let $F$ be a field. Over the (say, fpqc) site of $F$-schemes, we may define a presheaf $T^{\textrm{pre}}$ that takes a scheme $S$ ...
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Is there a relation between Gelfand duality and the spectrum of a ring (with its Zariski topology)?

Compare the following two results: Thm A) Let $A$ be a commutative $C^*$-algebra and let $X$ be its Gelfand spectrum. Gelfand duality says that there's a natural isometric $*$-isomorphism from $A$ to ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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About the left adjoint of $f^*$

In lots of different cases (Verdier duality, Grothendieck duality, étale cohomology, ...) the very existence of a (right) adjoint to the sheaf functor $f_!$ gives useful information. (I'm going to ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Direct and inverse image terminology

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a continuous map. Then $f$ induces a geometric morphism $f^\ast\dashv f_\ast\colon \mathrm{Sh}(X)\leftrightarrows\mathrm{Sh}(Y)$, whose left adjoint is called inverse image and ...
user1005113's user avatar
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Deequivariantisation of indecomposable sheaves

Let G be a connected group acting on a space X. All spaces should be reasonable, so e.g. G is a complex affine algebraic group acting on an algebraic variety X, with everything done using the usual ...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
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Are manifolds "naturally" ringed or locally ringed spaces?

My question is about whether it's more natural to see manifolds as ringed spaces or as locally ringed spaces. I think I have arguments for both points of view. On the one hand, it's reasonable to ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Explicit construction of a presentation of a constructible sheaf of $\mathbb{Z}$-modules

This question was prompted by the two following: Constructible étale sheaves on X are étale algebraic spaces over X Naive question about constructing constructible sheaves If I have a ...
Adrien MORIN's user avatar
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Interesting examples of direct image bundles

Let $\pi : W \rightarrow Y$ be a holomorphic fibration of complex manifolds. Let $L\rightarrow W$ be a holomorphic line bundle on its total space and denote by $$E^k_q := R^q \pi_*L^k$$ the direct ...
2inftyandBeyond's user avatar

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