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Questions tagged [a-infinity-algebras]

For questions about $A_\infty$-algebras as introduced by Stasheff in 1963 and related structures.

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Perverse vs real formality?

Let $\cal A$ be an abelian category, say linear over a field, with enough injectives and $\cal P$ be the heart of a t-structure on the bounded derived category $D^b(\cal A )$. Assume that $\cal P$ ...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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Examples of cyclic A-infinity algebra

I am wondering about (references to) examples of cyclic A-infinity algebras- especially including explicit descriptions of the structure maps and pairing. Thanks a lot!
Jak's user avatar
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Resolution of a module as an $A_\infty$ module over resolution of an algebra

The following question looks like a basic question on resolutions over commutative rings, unfortunately I was not able to find a reference. Let $A$ be a regular commutative noetherian ring (and ...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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Recovering an A-infinity structure on an Ext-algebra from a quiver presentation

Let $A=KQ/I$ be a basic finite dimensional algebra given by a quiver with relations. Let $S$ denote the direct sum of the corresponding simple modules. According to [Keller: A-infinity algebras in ...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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DG model of A-infinity category

Given a $k$-linear dg category $\mathcal{C}_{dg},$ I can produce an ($A_\infty$-quasi-equivalent) $k$-linear $A_\infty$ category $\mathcal{C}_{A_\infty}$ by taking the homotopy category $H^0(\mathcal{...
Ben G's user avatar
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Partial formality of A-infinity structure implies formality

Let $A$ be a (finite dimensional, unital, associative) $k$-algebra, where $k$ is a (algebraically closed) field. Let $M$ be a (finite dimensional) $A$-module. Then, it is known that $\operatorname{Ext}...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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$A_\infty$ structure on sum of twists of structure sheaf

Fix $n$ and let $P^n$ be projective $n$-space. Let $S = k[x_0, \dots, x_n]$. Set $A^0 = \bigoplus_{d \ge 0} H^0(P^n, \mathcal{O}(d))$ and $A^n = \bigoplus_{d < -n} H^n(P^n, \mathcal{O}(d))$. I ...
Steven Sam's user avatar
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Is a certain A-infinity algebra (homologically) smooth?

An A-infinity algebra $A$ is smooth a'la Kontsevich if it is perfect as an $A$-$A$-bimodule. I am wondering about the standard tricks to show smoothness of given algebras. A relatively basic example ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
4 votes
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Different ways to “deloop” a (topological) $A_\infty$-algebra

Let $\varphi:A\to \mathrm{Ass}$ be an $A_\infty$-operad in topological spaces, and let $X$ be an $A$-algebra. I see three possibilities to construct a delooping out of $X$: Rectify $X$ by taking the ...
FKranhold's user avatar
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$A_{\infty}$ structure questions

Hello, I would like explanation or clear source for some things related to $A_{\infty}$-spaces, via Stasheff's polytopes. I tried not to think about them, because they seem too complicated for me; I ...
Sasha's user avatar
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3 answers

Homology of bundles over a triangulated base and $A_\infty$-algebras

Let $p:E \to B$ be a fiber bundle over a triangulated base $B$ with fiber $F$, $\sigma$ simplex in $B$, $\sigma \mapsto H_{*}(p^{-1}(\sigma)) \simeq H_{*}(F)$ the obvious map and let $\mathcal{S}$ be ...
Romeo's user avatar
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Homology of bar complex vs homology of indecomposables

$\require{AMScd}$ Background: This question is about the bar and cobar constructions, and their relationship with the indecomposables of a dg-algebra. A brief summary of the bar and cobar ...
Julian Chaidez's user avatar
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A-infinity modules

Using: as a reference... My question involves spelling out explicitly the comment in 4.2 - "Equivalently, the datum of an $A_\infty$-structure on a graded ...
Matthew Levy's user avatar
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Is the functor $mod(Tw\mathcal{C})\rightarrow mod(\mathcal{C})$ cohomologically full and faithful?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a $c$-unital $A_\infty$-category. If $\mathcal{A}$ is a $c$-unital and triangulated $A_\infty$-category, then there is a $c$-unital $A_\infty$- functor $$Tw: fun(\mathcal{C},\...
Xin Jin's user avatar
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Are these two natural $A_\infty$-structures on the realization of a cosimplicial commutative algebra isomorphic?

Given a cosimplicial commutative algebra $A^\bullet$ over a field of characteristic zero, there are two ways of producing an $A_\infty$-structure on its realization $|A^\bullet| := \int^\Delta C^*(\...
Bertram Arnold's user avatar
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Transferring $A_\infty$-structure from a module to its homology

Given an $A_\infty$-module $M$, which is a graded module $M=\bigoplus_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}M_k$ with morphisms $m_n^M\colon A^{\otimes(n-1)}\otimes M\rightarrow M$ of degree 2-n satisfying the $A_\infty$ ...
Hyperion's user avatar
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Minimal model for $A_\infty$-categories

Is there a reference for existence and construction of the minimal model of an $A_\infty$-category? Most references I found ultimately refer to Lefèvre-Hasegawa's thesis but there doesn't seem to be a ...
Eugenio Landi's user avatar
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Explicit $L_\infty$-operations on Hochschild cochains of $A_\infty$-algebra

It is well-known that the Hochschild cochain complex $\mathrm{CC}^*(A)$ of an associative algebra $A$ carries a lot of structure. In particular: a differential, a cup product, and a bracket, which ...
Jack Smith's user avatar
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Natural transformation of $A_\infty$-functors lifted from homology

Suppose you have two $A_\infty$-functors $\mathcal{F,G}:\mathcal{A}\longrightarrow \mathcal{B}$ which descend to $F,G:A \longrightarrow B$ in homology (here $A=H^0(\mathcal{A})$ and same for $\mathcal{...
Vincent L.'s user avatar
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Which dg-algebras have minimal model which is $A_{fin}$?

$A_{fin}$ algebra it is $A_\infty$ algebra with $m_n = 0$ for $n >> 0$ and $A^i = 0$ for $|i| >> 0$. Suppose that we have (compact) dg-algebra $A$, we can build $A_\infty$ minimal model ...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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Natural transformations of $A_\infty$-functors (between dg-categories) are "directed homotopies" (reference?)

Let $\mathbf A$ and $\mathbf B$ be dg-categories over a field, viewed as $A_\infty$-categories. The $A_\infty$-category (actually, dg-category) of strictly unital $A_\infty$-functors $\mathbf A \to \...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence of curved A_\infty algebra

I am quite curious: What is the precise definition of "homotopy equivalence" or "isomorphism" of two curved $A_\infty$ algebra $A$ and $B$? What is the condition to set for the morphism $f:A \...
Jay's user avatar
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Theory of $n$-truncated $A_\infty$ categories/functors?

One can define certain higher categorical truncations. For example, a discussion from the quasi-categories point of view can be found in HTT 5.5.6. On the other hand, as a model of linear $\infty$-...
Bingyu Zhang's user avatar
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2 answers

Homotopic monoids and $A_\infty$ spaces

Informally, an $A_\infty$-space is a monoid whose laws are only satisfied up to homotopy. Let’s define now what I will call a "homotopic monoid" to be a space $M$ together with a point $e\in{}M$ and ...
Guillaume Brunerie's user avatar
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$A_{\infty}$ structure of (co)homology of a space

Let $X$ be a topological space, and $Homeo(X)$ the group of self-homeomorphisms of $X$. (1) What is the exact meaning of: $H^*(X)$ is a an $A_\infty$-module over $Homeo(X)$? (2) Does $H_*(X)$ also ...
Romeo's user avatar
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Two definitions of minimal models

Is there any relationship between both definitions of minimal models? (the couple of definitions I know are the one mentioned in Lefèvre's thesis, in the sense that the differential is zero, and the ...
Victor TC's user avatar
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On the Hochschild cohomology of the minimal model of an $A_\infty$ algebra

Suppose $(A, (\mu_k))$ is a (curved) $A_\infty$ algebra, and let $(\tilde A, (\tilde\mu_k))$ be its minimal model. Now, we have two Hochschild cohomology rings $HH^*(A)$ and $HH^*(\tilde A)$. (It may ...
Hang's user avatar
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Construction of derived Quot schemes

I am studying the construction of derived Quot schemes in the paper Borisov, Katzarkov, and Sheshmani - “Shifted symplectic structures on derived Quot-stacks”. Derived quot stacks are constructed from ...
Walter field's user avatar
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Can chain homotopy induce space homotopy at $E_\infty$ level?

Space-level homotopy induces (co)chain homotopy, but I've never heard of the converse. I am not sure if it is simply not true? However, for good enough spaces (finite type nilpotent), Mandell proved ...
Student's user avatar
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Reference Request: Central Curvature "Fix"

Context: In Lagrangian-Floer theory, the (an) $\mathbf{A}_\infty$-algebra of a Lagrangian is curved. However, the curvature is central. One consequence of this is that you can get an uncurved $\mathbf{...
Patrick Clarke's user avatar
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Strict units in A-infinity algebras

In Kontsevich-Soibelman's paper "Notes on $A_\infty$-algebras, $A_\infty$-categories and non-commutative geometry", $A_\infty$-algebras with strict units are defined so units act trivially on higher ...
Agustí Roig's user avatar
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Explicit description of periodic map $S : HC_{i} \to HC_{i-2}$ for dg and $A_\infty$ algebras

Let $A$ some associative unital $k$-algebra, let $HC_*(A)$ is cyclic homology of $A$ and $HH_*(A)$ is hochschild homology of $A$. Then we have Connes exact sequence: $$ ... \xrightarrow[]{} HH_n(A) \...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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Notion of "strict $A_\infty$ centre"

There is definition of "$A_\infty$ Centre" in article The A_\infty-Centre of the Yoneda Algebra and the Characteristic Action of Hochschild Cohomology on the Derived Category at p.28. It can be ...
Mykola Pochekai's user avatar
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Can one relate $K_0$ of an $A_\infty$-category $\mathcal A$ to $K_0(Fun_{A_\infty}(\mathcal A, \mathcal A))$?

For an $A_\infty$-category $\mathcal A$, one defines the group $K_0(\mathcal A)$ by $$K_0(\mathcal A) := \mathbb Z \operatorname{Ob} \operatorname{Tw} \mathcal A / \left<[A]+[B]-[C]\right>$$ ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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Tensor product of $A_{\infty}$ algebra morphisms, reference

Let $\Bbbk$ be a field of charachteristic zero. Let $(A, m_{\bullet}^{A})$ be an unital $A_{\infty}$ algebra. Let $B$ be a differential graded algebra. Then $B\otimes A$ carries an $A_{\infty}$ ...
Cepu's user avatar
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(co)chain homotopy of dg algebras ($A_{\infty}$ algebras) and other notion of homotopy

In this question I will work over a field of char. $0$. Let $f,g\: : \: A\to B$ be dg algebras morphism between two cochain (commutative) dg algebras $A,B$ (assume positively graded). Let $h$ be a ...
Cepu's user avatar
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Reconstructing complexes of sheaves from their cohomology sheaves

If $R$ is an algebra over some field $k$, and $C$ is a complex of modules over $R$, then according to B. Keller's ``Introduction to A-infinity algebras and modules'', one can record the isomorphism ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Cocompleteness of the category of small $A_\infty$ categories

To follow up on my previous question, is the category of small $A_\infty$ categories even cocomplete? Looking for reference.
yasha's user avatar
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In what sense is the 'Yoneda embedding' of an $A_\infty$-category an embedding?

$\def\A{\mathcal{A}} \def\J{\mathcal{J}}$I am reading P. Seidel, Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefschetz Theory, and in (1l) he defines the Yoneda embedding of a (non-unital) A$_\infty$-category $\A$ ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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On the definition of a derived $A_\infty$-category

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an $A_\infty$-category. The derived $A_\infty$-category is defined to be the 0th cohomology category of the category of twisted complexes of $\mathcal{A}$. I have troubles ...
warzasch's user avatar
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Associated graded of a filtration of a tensor product

I'm trying to understand a part of the PhD thesis of Kenji Lefèvre-Hasegawa (e.g. available here). My question is about the proof of Lemma stating: Remarquons que nous avons un ...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
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The cone of the c-identity of an $A_\infty$-module has zero cohomology

$\def\M{\mathcal{M}} \def\ch{\operatorname{Ch}}$Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an $A_\infty$-category. An $A_\infty$-module $\M$ over $\mathcal{A}$ is an $A_\infty$-functor $\mathcal{A}^\mathrm{op}\to\...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Gerstenhaber bracket for Hochschild cohomology with values in a module

I am currently trying to compute obstructions in a Hochschild cohomology $\mathrm{HH}^* (A,M)$ where $A$ is a $\Bbbk$-algebra and $M$ an $A$-bimodule. The obstruction I am looking at looks a lot like ...
Felix's user avatar
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Computing $m_3$ of an $\mathrm{Ext}$-algebra

I currently am studying $A_{\infty}$-obstructions and to compute them I need to compute at least the $A_3$-data of an $\mathrm{Ext}$-algebra. More precisely, I have a functor $F:\mathcal{D}\left(X\...
Felix's user avatar
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What is, explicitly, a pullback in the category of $L_\infty$ algebras?

I was wondering if the category of $L_\infty$ algebras is complete and in particular I am looking for an explicit construction of the pullback for $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} @. B\\ \phantom V @VV ...
A.Miti's user avatar
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A infinity structure on Yoneda Ext group

I am currently trying to control an $A_\infty$-algebra of the form $\mathrm{Ext}_X(F\oplus F'[2n-2],F\oplus F'[2n-2])$ where $X$ is a nice enough scheme and $F,F'$ are sheaves that are NOT locally ...
Felix's user avatar
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Monoidal structure on left dg-modules over a brace algebra

Relating to my other question: Modules over Hopf Algebras and $E_2$-algebras Preliminary: Let $A$ be an associative dg-algebra that is also an algebra over the brace operad. Let $M$ and $N$ be left ...
Matthew Levy's user avatar
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Does the totality of $E_n$-operads in a given category has any interesting structure?

Suppose we are given a fixed ambient symmetric monoidal model category (I'm mostly interested in chain complexes over char zero fields). Then we have the notion of an $E_n$-operad in that category. ...
Mark.Neuhaus's user avatar
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Structure maps of $\mathcal{A}_\infty$-bimodules

For Fukaya categories there are functors naturally induced by symplectomorphisms. Twisted versions of symplectic homology (fixed point Floer homology), open-closed maps and bimodules can be defined. ...
Shuo Zhang's user avatar
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Khovanov $A_\infty$ algebra

Let $L$ be a link in $\mathbb{R}^3$, with $D, D'$ be diagrams in $\mathbb{R}^2$ representing $L$. Khovanov constructed two graded chain complexes $$C_{D} = (Ch_{D}, d_{D}) \quad C_{D'}=(Ch_{D'}, d_{D'}...
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