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Theory of $n$-truncated $A_\infty$ categories/functors?

One can define certain higher categorical truncations. For example, a discussion from the quasi-categories point of view can be found in HTT 5.5.6. On the other hand, as a model of linear $\infty$-...
Bingyu Zhang's user avatar
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Gerstenhaber bracket for Hochschild cohomology with values in a module

I am currently trying to compute obstructions in a Hochschild cohomology $\mathrm{HH}^* (A,M)$ where $A$ is a $\Bbbk$-algebra and $M$ an $A$-bimodule. The obstruction I am looking at looks a lot like ...
Felix's user avatar
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Structure maps of $\mathcal{A}_\infty$-bimodules

For Fukaya categories there are functors naturally induced by symplectomorphisms. Twisted versions of symplectic homology (fixed point Floer homology), open-closed maps and bimodules can be defined. ...
Shuo Zhang's user avatar
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Does the Hochschild cohomology of an $A_{\infty}$-algebra have an algebra structure?

For an algebra $A$ we can define its Hochschild cohomology (see this Wikipedia page) $HH^{\cdot}(A,A)$. It is well-known that the cup product makes $HH^{\cdot}(A,A)$ a (graded-commutative) algebra. ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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What is, explicitly, a pullback in the category of $L_\infty$ algebras?

I was wondering if the category of $L_\infty$ algebras is complete and in particular I am looking for an explicit construction of the pullback for $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} @. B\\ \phantom V @VV ...
A.Miti's user avatar
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Can chain homotopy induce space homotopy at $E_\infty$ level?

Space-level homotopy induces (co)chain homotopy, but I've never heard of the converse. I am not sure if it is simply not true? However, for good enough spaces (finite type nilpotent), Mandell proved ...
Student's user avatar
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Natural transformation of $A_\infty$-functors lifted from homology

Suppose you have two $A_\infty$-functors $\mathcal{F,G}:\mathcal{A}\longrightarrow \mathcal{B}$ which descend to $F,G:A \longrightarrow B$ in homology (here $A=H^0(\mathcal{A})$ and same for $\mathcal{...
Vincent L.'s user avatar
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Can one relate $K_0$ of an $A_\infty$-category $\mathcal A$ to $K_0(Fun_{A_\infty}(\mathcal A, \mathcal A))$?

For an $A_\infty$-category $\mathcal A$, one defines the group $K_0(\mathcal A)$ by $$K_0(\mathcal A) := \mathbb Z \operatorname{Ob} \operatorname{Tw} \mathcal A / \left<[A]+[B]-[C]\right>$$ ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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DG model of A-infinity category

Given a $k$-linear dg category $\mathcal{C}_{dg},$ I can produce an ($A_\infty$-quasi-equivalent) $k$-linear $A_\infty$ category $\mathcal{C}_{A_\infty}$ by taking the homotopy category $H^0(\mathcal{...
Ben G's user avatar
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Are $(\infty,1)$-categories $A_\infty$ categories?

Let $X$ be a set. One can define a non-symmetric colored version of the non-unital $A_\infty$ operad as follows. The set of colors is the set of ordered pairs in $X$. Let $(x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_n,y_n)$...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar