Linked Questions

9 votes
2 answers

Do finite simplicial sets jointly detect isomorphisms in the homotopy category? [duplicate]

Let $\mathcal{H}$ denote the homotopy category associated with the Kan-Quillen model structure on $\mathbf{sSet}$. Suppose we have a map $f\colon X \to Y$ between Kan complexes, such that for every ...
Edoardo Lanari's user avatar
220 votes
140 answers

Fundamental Examples

It is not unusual that a single example or a very few shape an entire mathematical discipline. Can you give examples for such examples? (One example, or few, per post, please) I'd love to learn about ...
195 votes
47 answers

Books you would like to read (if somebody would just write them…)

I think that the title is self-explanatory but I'm thinking about mathematical subjects that have not received a full treatment in book form or if they have, they could benefit from a different ...
23 votes
9 answers

The free group $F_2$ has index 12 in SL(2,$\mathbb{Z}$)

Is there someone who can give me some hints/references to the proof of this fact?
m07kl's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

Spaces with same homotopy and homology groups that are not homotopy equivalent?

A common caution about Whitehead's theorem is that you need the map between the spaces; it's easy to give examples of spaces with isomorphic homotopy groups that are not homotopy equivalent. (See Are ...
Dylan Thurston's user avatar
37 votes
3 answers

Are there pairs of highly connected finite CW-complexes with the same homotopy groups?

Fix an integer n. Can you find two finite CW-complexes X and Y which * are both n connected, * are not homotopy equivalent, yet * $\pi_q X \approx \pi_q Y$ for all $q$. In Are there two non-...
Charles Rezk's user avatar
  • 27.2k
21 votes
3 answers

Cohomology of fibrations over the circle: how to compute the ring structure?

This question is inspired by Cohomology of fibrations over the circle Moreover, it can be considered a subquestion of the above, but somehow it seems to me that some of the more interesting points ...
algori's user avatar
  • 23.5k
47 votes
1 answer

Brown representability for non-connected spaces

In many places (on MO, elsewhere on the Internet, and perhaps even in some textbooks) one finds a statement of the classical Brown representability theorem that looks something like this: If $F$ is ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
  • 66.8k
9 votes
1 answer

Are Brown representable functors determined by restriction to finite complexes?

Assume two $CW$ complexes $X,Y$ give two functors $h_X=[-,X], h_Y=[-,Y]$ on the homotopy category of $CW$ complexes whose restrictions to the full subcategory of finite $CW$ complexes are naturally ...
user58951's user avatar
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13 votes
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About maps inducing bijections on homotopy classes

Let us assume that $f:X \to Y$ is a map of connected CW complexes, having the following property: if $K$ is a finite CW complex, then the induced map $f_{\ast}:[K,X] \to [K,Y]$ on \emph{free} homotopy ...
Johannes Ebert's user avatar