Let $M,N$ be smooth, connected, compact, oriented, two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, with $C^k$ boundaries.
Let $f:M \to N$ be a Lipschitz continuous weakly harmonic map**, and assume that $f(\partial M) \subseteq \partial N$,$f|_{M^\circ}(M^\circ) \subseteq N^\circ$. ($M^\circ,N^\circ$ are the interiors).
Then by known regularity results, $f|_{M^\circ}:M^\circ \to N^\circ$ is smooth. Now suppose that $f|_{M^\circ}:\partial M \to \partial N$ is $C^k$.
Is $f:M \to N \in C^k$ up to the boundary?
**I use the definition of weak harmonicity which is via the second fundamental form of an isometric embedding $N \to \mathbb{R}^D$.
I don't know the answer even when the boundaries are smooth.