Let $M,N$ be smooth oriented $d$-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, $\, f:M \to N$ a smooth map. Let $\Omega^1(M,f^*TN)=\Gamma(T^*M \otimes f^*TN)$ be the space of $f^*TN$-valued one-forms.
Let $d$ be the covariant exterior derivative associated with the pullback connection of the Levi-Civita connection on $N$ (via $f$), and let $\delta$ be its adjoint.
Finally, define the section $Q(df) \in \Gamma(T^*M \otimes f^*TN)$ as the closest orientation-preserving isometry to $df$. (here "closest" is w.r.t the natural norm induced on $T^*M \otimes f^*TN$ by the metrics on $M,N$).
I am interested in mappings $f$ which satisfy:
$(1) \, \, f$ is an orientation-preserving immersion.
$(2) \, \, \delta (Q(df))=\delta(df)=0$.
(The motivation comes from studying the critical points of a distortion functional. The equations in $(2)$ are related to the associated Euler-Lagrange equations).
Recall that $\delta(df)=0$ is harmonicity, and that every isometry is harmonic. Thus, if $f$ is an orientation-preserving isometry it satisfies $(2)$.
Moreover, if $f$ is harmonic and there exist a constant $\lambda > 0$ such that $df$ is always $\lambda $ times an (orientation-preserving) isometry, then $Q(df)=\frac{1}{\lambda}df$, so again $(2)$ is satisfied. (In fact the harmonicity of $f$ follows from the other condition).
Question: Suppose $f:M \to N$ satisfies $(1),(2)$. Is it true that it is a "scaled isometry"? (i.e is it conformal with a "constant scaling factor")? Or at least conformal?