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Peter Gerdes's user avatar
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
Peter Gerdes
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
6 votes

Reference for a "recursive" fragment of infinitary logic?

5 votes

Peer review 2.0

5 votes

Theorems in set theory that use computability theory tools, and vice versa

5 votes

What do we gain with higher order logics?

4 votes


3 votes

On independence and large cardinal strength of physical statements

3 votes

On Applications of Forcing in Domain Theory

2 votes

Defining computable functions categorically

2 votes

Proof of the existence of hyperimmune-free degrees

2 votes

Notion of independence of Turing degrees

2 votes

How should the Math Subject Classification (MSC) be revised or improved?

2 votes

Proving things about a formal logical system

2 votes

Digital pen for math: your experiences?

2 votes

Does degree of jump determine degrees of relatively r.e. sets?

2 votes

Cupping and capping for 0’ relative to a recursively enumerable set

2 votes

Does every arithmetic degree below $0^\omega$ have a representative computable in $0^\omega$?

2 votes

Double Hop Inversion Theorem

2 votes

Double Posner-Robinson Join (or a cupping analog of minimal pair)

2 votes

How to use Manuel Lerman's framework of priority method as blackbox?

2 votes

Is adding all sentences true of terms in skolemized theory conservative?

2 votes

Construction of models for true but unprovable formulas

2 votes

If $X \leq_T Y + 0'$ does there exist $Z \leq_T Y$, $Z \leq_T X$ with $X \leq_T Z'$?

2 votes

Incompatible degrees $a,b$ s.t. $x < a$ implies $x \leq b$

2 votes

Arithmetically-hyperimmune-free degrees are comeager

2 votes

Hyperarithmetically least elements in $\Pi^1_1$ sets

1 vote

Can this naïve-like set theory using acyclic membership be consistent?

1 vote

Properties of all relatively computable branches

1 vote

Is set of the indices of c.e.sets that cover a productive set also productive one?

1 vote

Finding 1-generic paths through a tree $T \subseteq 2^{<\omega}$

1 vote

Effectively non-arithmetic $\omega$-REA degrees