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Drew Heard's user avatar
Drew Heard
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
32 votes

Why should I care about topological modular forms?

31 votes

Where should I search for computations of group cohomology rings of not-too-complicated finite groups?

13 votes

What is an example of a formal group law that is Landweber-exact but not flat?

12 votes

stable homotopy groups and zeta function

12 votes

Detecting the Brown-Comenetz dualizing spectrum

11 votes

Reference for dualizable chain complexes

10 votes

$K$-homology of $BG$

10 votes

Does an H-space have at most one delooping?

9 votes

Reference for computation of $K_8(\mathbb{Z})$

9 votes

$K_3(\mathbb{Z})$ and $\pi ^S_3$

9 votes

Multiplicative Structures on Moore Spectra

7 votes

References for computation of 2-primary stable 64-stem ${_2\pi_{64}^s}$?

7 votes

Computing Homotopy Fixed Point Spectral Sequences related to Morava E thories

7 votes

Adams Spectral Sequence for Triangulated Categories

7 votes

How does the Steenrod algebra act on $\mathrm{H}^\bullet(p^{1+2}_+, \mathbb{F}_p)$?

6 votes

Basic questions on spectra

5 votes

The cooperations algebras Johnson-Wilson theory and truncated BP-theory

5 votes

Functoriality conjectures on the slice filtration

4 votes

Steenrod algebra: Ádem relations from Milnor product formula

4 votes

localizing subcategories of a nice triangulated category

4 votes

Fields in monoidal categories

4 votes

How nilpotent is the ring of stable homotopy groups of spheres?

3 votes

Matlis' dual of injective modules

3 votes

Toda brackets and factorisation of a sequence of spectra

3 votes

Understanding Balmer spectra

3 votes

A set of objects classically generates the full subcategory of compact objects iff it generates the whole category

3 votes

Reference for Mackey functors with group value inverted

2 votes

Definition of CW complexes

1 vote

Localization of the injective hull