I'm looking for a reference for the decomposition of the category of Mackey functors for a finite group when the order of the group is inverted. (There is also an analogous decomposition for the category of $G$-spectra.)
Let $\mathrm{Mack}_G$ denote the category of Mackey functors for a finite group $G$. Given a subgroup $H \leq G$, we let $W_H$ denote the Weyl group of $H$. For each $H$, we have a functor from $\mathrm{Mack}_G \to \mathrm{Mod}( \mathbb{Z}[W_H])$ which sends a Mackey functor $M$ to the quotient of $M(H)$ by the transfers from proper subgroups. We get a functor
$$\mathrm{Mack}_G \to \prod_H \mathrm{Mod}( \mathbb{Z}[W_H])$$
when we take the product over a system of representatives of conjugacy classes of subgroups.
This functor is not an equivalence, but it becomes an equivalence when we invert $|G|$ - in fact, this decomposition comes from the splitting of the Burnside ring of $G$ when $|G|$ is inverted.
I'm looking for a reference for this (classical) fact. Most of the sources that come close to this only state the result rationally, but I suspect this is in the literature somewhere. Any help would be appreciated!