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varkor's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

"Tietze-like transformations" for defining interesting bijections between algebraic structures

3 votes

What is known about relative adjunctions?

3 votes

Reference request: (co)limits in Eilenberg--Moore (V-)categories

3 votes

Rectifying the definition of a closed category

3 votes

$\infty$-ary tensor product on a category

3 votes

Reference for certain categorical limits

2 votes

Weighted limits and Kan extension in Dist

2 votes

The skew monoidal structure induced by a functor

2 votes

Does the nerve have a right adjoint, sometimes?

2 votes

Algebras for products or limits of monads

2 votes

Pseudofunctors of 2-variables and Gray tensor product of bicategories

2 votes

Nomenclature help: action vs. module and “pointed” monadic algebras are module objects?

2 votes

Reference request for facts about bi(co)descent objects

2 votes

Prof and the completion of Cat under right adjoints

2 votes

Prof and the completion of Cat under right adjoints

2 votes

Is there lore about how endofunctors of Cat interact with the formation of presheaf categories?

2 votes

Lawvere theory of Lawvere theories

2 votes

Horizontal categorification: Two questions

2 votes

About cartesian closed categories of models of a cartesian theory

2 votes

Reflective exponential ideals in presheaf categories

2 votes

If a monad in a 2-category admits a terminal resolution, does it admit an Eilenberg–Moore object?

2 votes

Yves Diers's thesis ("Catégories localisables")

2 votes

Reference for generalized ind-completions?

2 votes

Is there a reasoned derivation of the coherence conditions for symmetric rig categories?

2 votes

Synthetic type theory for virtual double category and its higher categories

1 vote

Unexpected interaction between limits and colimits

1 vote

Transporting monoidal structure along adjunction

1 vote

Kan extensions and orthogonality

1 vote

Coherence laws when composing 2-monads

1 vote

Morphism of pseudomonads induces pullback functors between pseudoalgebras