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Zhen Lin
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Modern versions of Verdier's hypercovering theorem?

7 votes

The most unexpected and/or the least natural category theory theorem?

7 votes

Example(s) of monoidal symmetric closed category with NNO without infinite coproducts?

7 votes

Free Objects in Functor Categories

7 votes

Why does tensor product in Ab(V) require colimits in V?

7 votes

Intuitive explanation of Burnside's Lemma

6 votes

Categories of logical formulae

6 votes

Characterizing a zero object by its endomorphisms

6 votes

Coequalizers in an Eilenberg-Moore category

6 votes

Further relation between monads and theories

6 votes

Finitely presentable objects in functor categories

6 votes

Simple technical adjunction question

6 votes

Barr's theorem and constructivity?

6 votes

Slice-category-like terminology question

6 votes

When do two topoi have the same cohomology of constant sheaves

6 votes

Is any abelian category a subcategory of $\mathrm{Ab}^I$?

6 votes

Categories in which isomorphism of stalks does not imply isomorphism of sheaves

6 votes

Is the composite of absolute derived functors a derived functor?

6 votes

Contractibility of the category of cosimplicial resolutions

6 votes

Reference for constructing tensor products of finitely presented functors

5 votes

Simple question: different definitions of Bousfield localization

5 votes

Does $\mathsf{Ind}_\lambda^\mu(\mathsf{Ind}_\kappa^\lambda(\mathcal C)) = \mathsf{Ind}_\kappa^\mu(\mathcal C)$?

5 votes

$(LLP(Epi), Epi)$ is a WFS on any variety of algebras

5 votes

a (pseudo)adjunction for the functor sending a category C to PSh(C) the category of presheaves

5 votes

About the canonical morphism from $f^{*}f_{*}f^{*}F$ to $f^{*}F$

5 votes

Do pretopoi have cohomology and homotopy groups?

5 votes

Why do we need the axiom MS3 for localizing categories?

5 votes

Does the nerve functor (resp. fundamental groupoid functor) preserve homotopy colimits (resp. homotopy limits)?

5 votes

Set-Theoretic Issues/Categories

5 votes

abelian group objects category