Are there nice isomorphisms $\operatorname{S}^2(k^n)\cong\Lambda^2(k^{n+1})$?
Let $E$ be a $2$-dimensional $k$-vector space. The Wronksian isomorphism is an isomorphism of $\mathrm{SL}(E)$-modules $\bigwedge^m \mathrm{S}^{m+r-1}(E)\cong \mathrm{S}^m \mathrm{S}^r(E) $. It is ...
Jordan algebra identities
This identity (*) is, indeed, true, and is, in fact, a step in one of the standard ways to prove that Jordan algebras are power-associative: see McCrimmon's 2004 book A Taste of Jordan Algebras, ...
Left- (right-) multiplications of an algebra that are derivations
An algebra whose (left) multiplications are derivations is referred to as a (left) Leibniz algebra (or Loday algebra). There is a large literature about this class of non-associative algebras. See e....
Can the Banach algebra structure on $B(E)$ be (almost) retrieved from its Banach space structure?
This is by no means a complete answer, but a series of bits that would be too long for the comment space.
By an old result of Eidelheit, if $\phi:B(E)\to B(F)$ is a Banach algebra isomorphism onto $B(...
Diagonalization of octonionic Hermitian matrices of size $2\times 2$
Yes, in fact, any $2$-by-$2$ octonionic Hermitian matrix is equivalent under the natural $\mathrm{Spin}(9)$ action to a diagonal $2$-by-$2$ octonionic Hermitian matrix.
This follows from the well-...
Semisimple Lie algebra and convexity
I'm not super familiar with the theory of Jordan algebras or self-dual homogeneous cones so I might be barking up the wrong tree with this answer but here goes. I don't think the cones I'm about to ...
Jordan isomorphisms of type I von Neumann algebras
I believe two type I von neumann algebras are Jordan isomorphic if and only if they are $*$-isomorphic. Jordan isomorphism preserve order, so if two von Neumann algebras are Jordan isomorphic they are ...
Jordan isomorphisms of type I von Neumann algebras
I have not read through all the details carefully, but I think your questions can probably be answered using the results in Kadison's 1951 paper "On isometries of operator algebras". That paper ...
Irreducible $G$-representations with unital algebra structure
The unit poses a problem here. If you require the multiplication map $\cdot: V\otimes V\to V$ to be $G$-equivariant, then this means $gv\cdot gw = g(v\cdot w)$. Letting $w=1_V$ and using that $g:V\to ...
Determinants in Jordan algebras of Euclidean type
We denote by $J_{3}(\mathbb{O})$ be the space:
$$ J_{3}(\mathbb{O}) = \left\{ \begin{pmatrix} \lambda_1 & a_1 & \overline{a_2} \\ \overline{a_1} & \lambda_2 & a_3 \\ a_2 & \...
Can the Banach algebra structure on $B(E)$ be (almost) retrieved from its Banach space structure?
It seems that not much is known. I have found a description of isometries on $B(c_0)$ (and some other relevant results) here. A surjective isometry
$T:B(c_0)\to B(c_0)$ is of the form $T(a)=UaV$ where ...
Automorphism group of formally real Jordan algebras of hermitian matrices
In a simple Euclidean Jordan algebra, the Jordan-automorphism group of
the algebra is the subgroup of the cone of squares' automorphism group
that fixes the Jordan unit element. This is written down, ...
Determinants in Jordan algebras of Euclidean type
Makt wrote:
As far as I heard (I am not sure about the precise statement) there is a classification of simple Jordan algebras of Euclidean type.
Yes, in this paper
Pascual Jordan, John von Neumann ...
Is the generated subalgebra of a subset of pairwise operator-commuting element in a JB-algebra associative?
Yes, this is true. I couldn't find any proof of the statement you quote in the article, and even after emailing the authors I didn't get any wiser, so I decided to work out the details myself, see my ...
Is it true that any semisimple Jordan algebra has the unit element?
As I was suspecting, the existence of a maximal idempotent is not assured in an infinite-dimensional simple Jordan algebra.
In fact the theorem is valid only in the finite-dimensional case. For ...
Degree 8 multilinear operations on Jordan algebras
I managed to run Albert on a very powerful computer at work, and the computation of the desired dimension converged: it seems equal to 19089. I would very much like to confirm that it is correct (I am ...
Are the automorphism groups of simple symmetric cones algebraic groups?
I think I figure a proof after discussing with Yu Zhao.
First of all, by Koecher-Vinberg theorem, we can put a structure of Euclidean Jordan algebra on $V$ so that the closure $\bar{C}$ of $C$ is the ...
Automorphism group of formally real Jordan algebras of hermitian matrices
To expand on Michael Orlitzky's answer, unpacking the notation the claim is that, with $h_n(R)$ the $n\times n$ Jordan algebra of Hermitian matrices is
$$ \begin{aligned} \mathrm{Aut}(h_n(\mathbb{R})) ...
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