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18 votes

Groups that do not exist

I believe that at some point there was a conjecture (by whom, I don't recall) that Janko's smallest group, of order $175,560=11(11^2-1)(11^3-1)/(11-1)$, should be the first of an infinite sequence of ...
Richard Lyons's user avatar
17 votes

Does the 3875-dimensional rep of $E_8$ have a solution to $x\star x=0$?

Yes. The basic representation of $E_8$ has character $j(\tau)^{1/3} = q^{-1/3}(1+248q+4124q^2 + \cdots)$, and the 4124 decomposes as $1+248+3875$. By Frenkel-Kac-Segal, the basic representation has ...
S. Carnahan's user avatar
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15 votes

Where can I find details of Elie Cartan's thesis?

$\mathrm{G}_2$ is the only one of the exceptional groups that can be defined as the stabilizer of a `generic' tensorial object on a vector space and, over the complex numbers, even this is not quite ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
13 votes

Constructing $E_8$ from its branching to $A_8$

An excellent reference for this kind of descriptions (and for many other facts about $E_8$!) is Skip Garibaldi's paper "$E_8$, the most exceptional algebraic group" in the Bulletin of the AMS (here). ...
Tom De Medts's user avatar
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12 votes

Does $G_2(\mathbb{Z})$ depend on the choice of an integral model?

The short answer is no, because a Chevalley group has infinitely many $\mathbb{Z}$-points (even Zariski dense by the Borel density theorem). For the long answer, let me first completely describe all $\...
Jef's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the largest subgroup of $GL^{+}(7,\mathbb{R})$ which smoothly retracts onto $G_2$?

There is no retraction of $\mathrm{SO}(7)$ onto $\mathrm{G}_2$. If such a retraction $\rho:\mathrm{SO}(7) \to \mathrm{G}_2$ existed, then the composition $$ \mathrm{G}_2 \hookrightarrow \mathrm{SO}(7)...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
10 votes

Constructing $E_8$ from its branching to $A_8$

Of course, the original description of this branching is due to Élie Cartan, himself. For example, see Chapitre IX of his 1914 paper Les groupes réels simples, finis et continu (Annales scientifiques ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
9 votes

Relation between different $E_8$ matrices

$M_1$, $M_4$ and $M_5$ are all the same quadratic form up to integer change of basis: To get from $M_1$ to $M_4$, conjugate by the diagonal matrix with digaonal entries $(1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1)$; to get ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
9 votes

Do the exceptional root systems arise in the real world?

As Noam Elkies alluded to in a comment, the E8 lattice plays a role in coding theory, basically because it such an efficient sphere packing. For example, Kurkoski has proposed using it for error ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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8 votes

Concrete description of an exceptional minuscule variety

One description is $\smash{X=E_7\left/E_6\times S^1\right.}$ (quotient of compact groups, of real dimension 133 – 79 = 54), as removal of the root $\alpha$ in question leaves an $E_6$ diagram. Another ...
Francois Ziegler's user avatar
8 votes

Flag manifolds as incidence correspondences

The "incidence" relation (at least for types $E_6$ and $E_7$) for all pairs of vertices $i$, $j$ is described in S. Garibaldi, M. Carr "Geometries, the principle of duality, and algebraic groups", ...
Victor Petrov's user avatar
7 votes

Quadratic forms on $\mathbb{R}^{16}$ coming from octonions

I'm revising my answer because whether the image of the map $j$ that the OP defines is equal to the $10$-dimensional subspace $H$ of $\mathrm{Sym}^2(\mathbb{R}^{16})$ that is invariant under $\mathrm{...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
7 votes

Viewing exceptional Lie algebras via the classical ones

Élie Cartan himself, recognized and used the following description of $\mathfrak{e}_6$: Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $6$ and let $W$ be a vector space of dimension $2$. Then there is a ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
7 votes

How to describe the compact real forms of the exceptional Lie groups as matrix groups?

Cartan describes all of the compact real forms of the simple Lie groups over $\mathbb{C}$ in his first paper that classifies the real forms. In fact, he describes them exactly in the terms that you ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
6 votes

A question on complex semisimple Lie groups and $(\mathbb{C}^2, \omega)$

I think that the kind of question you are asking is one that was treated by Dynkin back in the 1950s (see Semisimple subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras. (Russian) Mat. Sbornik N.S. 30(72), (1952), ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
6 votes

Why do these two irreps of $E_6$ have the same dimension?

$\newcommand\Sym{\mathrm{Sym}}$ An extended comment which more or less suggests that your suggested answer might be as good as one can do. If $G$ has a representation on $V$ which preserves a ...
user484566's user avatar
6 votes

Orbits of action of the split group of type $F_4$

I work over the complexe numbers, but the story is similar over any fields (provided you choose the split octonions). Let us identify the Albert algebra $A$ with the algebra of self-adjoint $3*3$ ...
Libli's user avatar
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5 votes

Description of the generalized grassmannians and flag varieties (parabolic quotients) associated to the exceptional groups

Edit 2: A good discussion of the lowest dimensional pieces of each of the flags below is found in Geometries, the principle of duality, and algebraic groups by Carr and Garibaldi. In particular for ...
Callum's user avatar
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5 votes

Diagonalization of octonionic Hermitian matrices of size $2\times 2$

Yes, in fact, any $2$-by-$2$ octonionic Hermitian matrix is equivalent under the natural $\mathrm{Spin}(9)$ action to a diagonal $2$-by-$2$ octonionic Hermitian matrix. This follows from the well-...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
5 votes

Relation between different $E_8$ matrices

A euclidean lattice can be defined by a generating basis, for example as a nonsingular $n \times n$ real matrix $F$ whose columns generate the lattice which consists of all vectors $Fx$, $x \in \...
CHUAKS's user avatar
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4 votes

How to describe the compact real forms of the exceptional Lie groups as matrix groups?

There is an abstract way of integrating Lie algebras but I guess you are asking for a more hands on approach. I suggest browsing Exceptional Lie groups by Ichiro Yokota. Usually, it's the compact (or ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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4 votes

How to check whether a given matrix is in the image of a representation?

Suppose that $G$ is a compact Lie group (or, more generally, an algebraic group over some field $F$), ${\mathfrak g}$ is its Lie algebra. You are given a linear representation $\rho: G\to GL(n, F)$. ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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3 votes

About certain elements in the zero weight space of an irreducible representation of the complex simple Lie algebra of type G$_2$

The answer is no. Here is some SAGE code: ...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
3 votes

Why do these two irreps of $E_6$ have the same dimension?

A geometric picture of the answer given by user484566 is that (certain real form of) $E_6$ is octonionic version of the special linear group $SL_3$. The symmetric three-tensor is the polarization of ...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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3 votes

Where can I find details of Elie Cartan's thesis?

All details about Cartan's thesis can be found in the thesis itself: There is also a German translation for those who do not read French: Ueber ...
Alexandre Eremenko's user avatar
3 votes

Constructing real forms of the Tits-Freudenthal magic square for (Rosenfeld) projective planes

Alberto Elduque obtained all real forms of exceptional Lie algebras in his variant of Freudenthal square in A new look at Freudenthal's magic square, Non-associative algebra and its applications, 149–...
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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3 votes

Embed exceptional non-compact simply connected simple Lie groups into classical simple Lie groups with preserving centers

This fails already for the split form of $\mathrm{G}_2$. Every finite-dimensional irreducible representation of its Lie algebra is a constituent of a tensor power of the $7$-dimensional representation....
Robert Bryant's user avatar
1 vote

How to check whether a given matrix is in the image of a representation?

I can answer the diagonal case, at least, where the answer is fairly easy. This assumes that you have everything set up 'nicely', which I'll define. I'm going to do the case of an algebraic group, as ...
David A. Craven's user avatar
1 vote

$8 \times 31 = 8 \times 31$?

The decompositions are not conjugate. Pick (any) two Cartans in the direct sum decomposition. For the decomposition coming from $2^8 \subset E_8$, two Cartans together generate a subalgebra isomorphic ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar

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