6 votes

Systems of (hyperbolic) 2nd order PDEs with lower order constraints

Yes, there is a standard procedure to analyze such systems, essentially, it is Cartan's method of prolongation combined with his theory of involutive systems. There are other approaches as well, but ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
5 votes

Wick product of free fields and wave front sets in the sense of Lars Hörmander

The answer to both questions is no. This is due to two facts: The Klein-Gordon two-point distribution $\omega_2(x,y)=\langle\Omega,\phi(x)\phi(y)\Omega\rangle$ in $\mathbb{R}^4$, where $\Omega_1=\...
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
1 vote

Recursive relation to represent the last element of a matrix using determinant

Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_(linear_algebra) Cramer's rule says that $$R^{(N+1)}=\frac{1}{\det M^{(N+1)}}C^\top,$$ with $C$ the cofactor matrix of $M^{(N+1)}$. The $(N+1,N+1)$ ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar

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