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Linear representations of algebras and groups, Lie theory, associative algebras, multilinear algebra.

45 votes
1 answer

Square roots of elements in a finite group and representation theory

Let $G$ be a finite group. In an an earlier question, Fedor asked whether the square root counting function $r_2:G\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, which assigns to $g\in G$ the number of elements of $G$ that …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
35 votes
6 answers

Character-free proof that Frobenius kernel is a normal subgroup?

The question is in the title, but here is some background/reminders: A subgroup $H\neq\{1\}$ of a finite group $G$ is called a Frobenius complement if $H\cap H^g = \{1\}$ for all $g\in G\backslash H$ …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
21 votes
3 answers

Number of n-th roots of elements in a finite group and higher Frobenius-Schur indicators

This is the second follow-up to this question on square roots of elements in symmetric groups and is concerned with generalisations to $n$-th roots. Let $G$ be a finite group and let $r_n(g)$ be the n …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
16 votes

Finite groups with integral character table

There is no complete classification, but some structural results are known. To give you something to search for: such groups are called $\mathbb{Q}$-groups. There is a whole book devoted to their stru …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
16 votes

A finite group $G$ all of whose reps are defined over $\mathbb{Z}$ and yet $Rep(G)$ is not g...

The answer is no. Counterexamples include the Weyl groups of types E6, E7, and E8. For a proof that the representations of these Weyl groups are indeed all realisable over $\mathbb{Q}$ (equivalently o …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
14 votes
2 answers

Class groups in dihedral extensions - some sort of Spiegelungssatz?

Let $p$ be an odd prime and let $F/\mathbb{Q}$ be a Galois extension with Galois group $D_{2p}$, let $K$ be the intermediate quadratic extension of $\mathbb{Q}$, and $L$ an intermediate degree $p$ ext …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
13 votes

Conjugacy classes of PGL(3,Z)

I will work in ${\rm GL}$ instead of ${\rm PGL}$. The corresponding question over ${\rm GL}_3(\mathbb{Z})$ is essentially$^1$ equivalent to asking how many faithful $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-modules, free of r …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
13 votes

Branching rule from symmetric group $S_{2n}$ to hyperoctahedral group $H_n$

This is an answer to the second question: I ran an experiment with $S_6$ (which was the best guess due to the famous "oddness" of 6). There are two subgroups in $S_6$ isomorphic to this involution cen …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
13 votes

Conjugacy for $p$-adic matrices of finite order

I think I finally have a correct answer for arbitrary $p$. As F. Ladisch notes, $G=C_{p^3}$ has only finitely many indecomposable modular representations. For the following argument, I will not only n …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
12 votes
3 answers

Sylow subgroups of projective general linear groups

What is known about the Sylow 2-subgroups of $\rm{PGL}_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$, where $q$ is any prime power? For example, according to Theorem 7.9 in Isaacs's Character Theory, these Sylow 2-subgroups canno …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
11 votes

A sum involving derivatives of Vandermonde

Here is a direct way to obtain Denis Serre's formula: Just note that $x_i^k\frac{\partial^k}{\partial x_i^k}$ multiplies a monomial in the determinant by $\frac{r!}{(r-k)!}$ where $r$ is the power of …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
10 votes

p-adic representations of groups

Usually, "irreducible" means having no subrepresentations. In the integral context, there is no such thing, since for any $\mathbb{Z}_p[G]$-module $M$, $pM$ is a proper submodule. The right question i …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
10 votes

For which finite groups $G$ is every character a virtual permutation character?

No classification of such groups is known. As you say, for every character to be a virtual permutation character, necessary conditions are that all irreducible characters are $\mathbb{Q}$-valued; eq …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
10 votes

Generalizations/applications of a formula for the Dedekind zeta function?

As Keith says, such relations between permutation representations are often called Brauer relations, because Brauer was the first one to note that such isomorphisms of permutation representations give …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k
9 votes

How to construct groups and large dimension representations? How about faithful ones?

In the infinite family $G_p=(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})\rtimes (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^{\times}$, as $p$ runs over prime numbers, the bound is tight up to $O(1)$, and the representation in question is f …
Alex B.'s user avatar
  • 13k

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