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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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Complex, contact, Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian and Finsler geometry, relativity, gauge theory, global analysis.
which Lie algebra admit a left symmetric algebra structure?
As said, semisimple Lie algebras over a field of characteristic zero do not admit an LSA-structure. There are several proofs. Basically it relies on Whitehead's lemma for semisimple Lie algebras, sayi …
Affine structures
Kostant and Sullivan proved that the Euler characteristic of a compact complete affine manifolds must vanish, affirming the Chern conjecture in the complete case (Bull. AMS 81 (1975)). Benzecri proved …
Can this Lie group written as a direct product?
A. L. Onishchik has classified decompositions $G=G_1G_2$ of redcutive Lie groups (e.g., see his article
"Decompositions of reductive Lie groups" in Math. USSR-Sbornik, Vol. 9 (1969), No. 4). We have
$ …
General Orthogonal Group and its properties
Yes, the orthogonal group makes sense over any field $k$. It is an linear algebraic group.
In fact the theory of linear algebraic groups generalizes that of linear Lie groups over the real or complex …
Reductive space & Reductive Lie algebra
It depends on the definition of a reductive space $G/H$. Some authors require that
in addition to $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{h}+\mathfrak{m}$, $[\mathfrak{h},\mathfrak{m}]\subseteq \mathfrak{m}$, we hav …
Determining the Lie algebra elements exponentiating to the center of a Lie group
I have only some simple remarks here, valid also for non-compact Lie groups.
Let $G$ be a connected Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. A first remark is that for $X\in Z(\mathfrak{g})$ and $Y\ …
Can anyone give an example of Ricci flat Riemannian or Lorentzian Manifold that is not flat?
For an example, let $N$ be a compact complex hypersurface of degree $m+1$ of the complex projective space $\mathbb{CP}^m$ with complex dimension $m\ge 3$ (for $m=3$ this is a complex $K3$ surface). Th …
Is there a Levi decomposition for Lie group and algebraic group?
Question $1$: The theorem of Mostow says that every connected algebraic group $G$ over a field $K$
of characteristic zero has a Levi decomposition. This means, $G$ has a reductive algebraic subgroup $ …
Each coadjoint orbit of a compact connected Lie group $G$ admits a $G$-invariant generalized...
In 1950s A. Borel, R. Bott, J. L. Koszul, F. Hirzebruch et al. investigated the coadjoint orbits as complex
homogeneous manifolds. It was proven that each coadjoint orbit of a compact
connected Lie gr …