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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

9 votes

Generic set that is a proper subgroup

No, it's not possible. For notational convenience assume $S$ is symmetric and $1\in S$, so that $B_{G,S}(n) = S^n$. Suppose $$ |H\cap S^{n_i}|/|S^{n_i}|\to 1 $$ for some subsequence $(n_i)$. Let $x$ …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
6 votes

Does the knowledge of $Z(G)$ and $G/Z(G)$ give the full group?

No, one cannot. For instance the dihedral group $D_8$ has centre $Z(D_8)\cong C_2$ and $D_8/Z(D_8)\cong C_2\times C_2$, but $D_8\ncong C_2\times C_2\times C_2$. I might paraphrase your argument as fo …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
6 votes

Elements in group extensions which cancel unary terms in the language of groups

No. Let $G = \langle x, y \rangle$ be a $2$-generated non-free group with $x$ of infinite order such that $F = \langle x, g\rangle \cong F_2$ for some $g \in G$. Then we get a counterexample by taking …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
8 votes

How abelian can a non-abelian finitely generated group be?

Try not to be seduced by balls. When it comes to infinite groups, you get much better theory if you focus on random walks. For example, the most basic thing you might ask of your density function is t …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
9 votes

Maximal subgroups of $S_{\Bbb N}$ and $A_{\Bbb N}$

Here I will follow the notation from Dixon--Mortimer, rather than OP's, because it seems to be more standard, and clearly distinguishes the full and finitary symmetric groups. Let $\Omega$ be an infin …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
8 votes

Finite conjugacy classes

Q0: For references try starting with Robinson's A course in the theory of groups, starting around 14.5.5. There the FC center is defined and some characterizations are given for FC groups (groups with …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
2 votes

Universal group such that every finite group is a quotient

Not a complete answer: Let $G = \prod_F F$ be the direct product of all finite groups and let $F_\omega$ be the free group on a countably infinite collection of generators. Obviously $G$ and $F_\omega …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Extension-field subgroups of $\operatorname{GL}(n, K)$

$\newcommand{\op}[1]{\operatorname{#1}}\def\GL{\op{GL}}$I am interested in the subgroups of $\GL(n,K)$ of the form $\GL(n/s, E)$ for $E$ some extension field of $K$ of degree $s$. These arise in the f …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Probability of satisfying a word in a compact group

This question is inspired by Probability of commutation in a compact group, which asked whether $P(xyx^{-1}y^{-1} = 1)$ could take values strictly between $0$ and $1$ on a compact connected group. Tha …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Groups with exponentially growing centre

Given a finitely generated group $G$ and a finite subset $S$, let $\omega_G(S) = \inf_{n\geq1} |S^n|^{1/n}$ (this is the exponential growth rate of $S$). Is there a finitely generated group $G$ w …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

When is there a unique perfect group of order $n$?

For which $n$ is there a unique perfect group of order $n$? Are there infinitely many such $n$? Some guesses for infinite sequences of such $n$: $|\mathrm{PSL}(2,p)|$, $|\mathrm{SL}(2,p)|$, $|A_m|$, …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
8 votes

Subgroup property stronger than being characteristic

There must be no other subgroup of $H$ isomorphic to $K$. Certainly this property implies your property, as $g^{-1}Kg$ is always isomorphic to $K$. Conversely if $K'\leq H$ is isomorphic to $K$ let $ …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
6 votes

Fixed points of $x\mapsto 2^{2^{2^{2^x}}} \mod p$

Your argument for three exponentials can be simplified a bit by using the multiplicative version of van der Corput instead of the additive version. Specifically, if your equation $$2^{y^{2^k}} = 2^{y} …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
3 votes

Powers of finite simple groups

I have no reference for this problem, but let's at least write down the trivial bounds. Let $s_1,\dots s_r\in S^n$ and suppose $n>|S|^r$. Associate to each index $i$ the element $$(\pi_i(s_1),\dots,\ …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why do elementary matrices generate the special linear group over polynomial rings?

Let $R$ be a ring. An elementary matrix over $R$ is a matrix with $1$s along the diagonal and at most one other nonzero entry. Let $\text{EL}_n(R)$ denote the subgroup of $\text{GL}_n(R)$ generated by …
Sean Eberhard's user avatar

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