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Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds.

4 votes

Is a left Bousfield localization of simplicial presheaves a locally cartesian closed model c...

Section 2 of this paper of Rezk addresses exactly the question of when the localization by S yields a Cartesian model category. For that the relevant property is that that if you take the product of a …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
8 votes

A step in Lurie's treatment of $L$-theory

Here is a way to see it which might constitute "just unfolding the definitions" (at least if one were sitting in on the class at Harvard when it was being taught). Set $Z(T) = Y(T^c)$, (compliment tak …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Framed version of the "copants bordism"?

The "pants" bordism in dimension n is a bordism which goes from $S^n \sqcup S^n$ to $S^n$ witnessing the connected sum operation - equivalently by attaching 1-handle to the trivial bordism, equivalent …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Induced map on $H_4$ of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$It is well-known (see Breen, Mikhailov, Touzé - Derived functors of the divided power functors for example) that for $A$ a free abelian group we have $$ H_i(K(A,1); \mat …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What is known about exotic spheres up to stable diffeomorphism?

In even dimensions $n=2k$ we can define two smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$ to be stably diffeomorphic if they become diffeomorphic after the connect sum with $r$ many copies of $S^k \times S^k$ for some …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Homotopy equivalent smooth 4-manifolds which are not stably diffeomorphic?

Recall that two 4-manifolds $M$ and $N$ are stably diffeomorphic if there exist $m,n$ such that $$M \#_n (S^2 \times S^2) \cong N \#_n (S^2 \times S^2).$$ That is, they become diffeomorphic after taki …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
17 votes

How aggressive is the fibrant replacement of $\mathrm{Bord}_n$?

The completeness condition is not really about making things invertible which weren't already. It is about where the information about invertible morphisms is stored. We can already see this with $(\i …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Which stable homotopy groups are represented by parallelizable manifolds?

The Pontryagin-Thom construction allows one to identify the stable homotopy groups of spheres with bordism classes of stably normally framed manifolds. A stable framing of the stable normal bundle ind …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Groupoid completion of a topological category vs its homotopy category?

Given a category $\mathcal{C}$ enriched in spaces, we can take the nerve (a simplicial space) and then geometric realization to get a space $B\mathcal{C}$. If we view spaces as $\infty$-groupoids, the …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
1 vote

Locally trivial fibration over a suspension

It is independent of the choice of base point. Let $Map((X,x_0), (G_F,id))$ be the based mapping space (based at $x_0$). Let $Map(X, G_F)$ be the free mapping space. Then we have a split short exact …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
6 votes

Space of sections of a fibration under weak homotopy equivalence

This is not true in general, unless you assume the base is sufficiently nice (eg a CW-complex). Here is a counter-example. Let $B = \mathbb{Q}$, the rationals with its topology as a subspace of the …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
18 votes

A search for a sequence of $6$-manifolds

I looked at Wall's paper Classification problems in differential topology. V On certain 6-manifolds. In theorem 3 of that paper Wall describes some invariants of 6-mainfolds, and the relation between …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
2 votes

Relation between Morse Theory and integration against Euler Characteristic

I glanced at the paper briefly. Let me try to explain what I understand. Let us suppose that M is compact and without boundary. Let $f: M \to \mathbb{R}$ be a Morse function. Let us further suppose fo …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
12 votes

Is any CW complex with only finitely many nonzero homology groups homotopic to a finite dime...

As requested I am writing this as an answer. No there are spaces with vanished homology which are not homotopy equivalent to finite CW-complexes. For example if $G$ is an acyclic group, then the cl …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
8 votes

Understanding model independently the equivalence of two ways of obtaining homotopy types fr...

Here is an argument, which is basically Denis Nardin's comment. To have a model independent proof you need model independent definitions of the hocolim and of the localization. You can define them …
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar

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