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Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

0 votes

How to prove the equation holds in asymptotic sense

NOT AND ANSWER, ONLY TOO WEAK INEQUALITIES AT THIS TIME You should replace all $n_i$ by $X_i^{(n)}$ in your question, and your proof. I did not read the proof, but the answer is trivially yes. Note th …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
2 votes

Conditional expectation of linear combination of Rademacher RVs

I give a crude lower bound, which does not use the distribution of $Z$, but only that $|Z|=\sqrt{d}$. It relies on the triangle inequality for the angular distance on the unit sphere. I assume $c_1$ a …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
2 votes

Conditional probability distribution of a Brownian particle surviving forever

By the law of Large numbers, $X_t/t \to b$ almost surely as $t \to +\infty$, hence $X_t \to +\infty$ almost surely as $t \to +\infty$. Therefore $X_\infty = +\infty$ almost surely under $P$ and also u …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
0 votes

Is integral of adapted separable process adapted?

Partial answer The question may be whether the process $f$ is progressively measurable under the assumptions. If yes, we can conclude as follows. Fix $t \ge 0$. For each $\omega$, $f(\cdot,\omega)$ is …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
3 votes

Equivalence of unions in probability theory

Let $\epsilon>0$ and $n \ge 1$. Then $$\bigcap_{k=1}^\infty\{|S_{n+k}-S_n|<\epsilon = \bigcap_{j \geq n}\{|S_j-S_n|<\epsilon\} \subset \bigcap_{j,k\geq n}\{|S_j-S_k|<2\epsilon\} .$$ Hence, taking comp …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
3 votes

Condition for $f^\prime$ to be absolute integrable

A sufficient condition is unimodality of $f$, namely the existence of some $c \in~]a,b[$, such that $f$ non-decreasing on $[a,c]$ and $f$ non-increasing on $[a,c]$. If this property holds, then by Fat …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
4 votes

Enlargement of filtration

I think that I have a counterexample. Let $(X,Y)$ be a Brownian motion in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Then $M = \int_0^\cdot X_s \mathrm{d}Y_s$ is a martingale, in the natural filtration of $(X,Y)$, in its own fi …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
1 vote

Can an a.s. non constant continuous martingale be differentiable with nonzero probability?

Almost surely, we can write for every $t \ge 0$, $M_t=M_0+\beta_{\langle M,M \rangle_t}$, where $\beta$ is some Brownian motion. By Kahane's theorem, almost surely, for every $s \ge 0$, $\limsup_{\del …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
2 votes

Density of $W_t$ assuming it stayed above a line $L$

As I mentionned in my comment, there is an ambiguity in the statement of you question. Anyway, if $B$ is a standard one dimensional Brownian motion, if $\lambda$ is a real number, then $(B_t-\lambda t …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
4 votes

A convergence problem

I assume that $(a_n)_{n \ge 1}$ are random variables taking values on a finite subset $B$, and that $\nu_l(b) \le P[a_n = b|a_1,\ldots,a_{n-1}] \le \nu_u(B)$ almost surely for every $n \ge 1$ and $b \ …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
2 votes

Correlation for a Sum of random vectors from the sphere multiplied by matrices

Is $Y$ independent of $(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$? If yes, write it. If yes, it suffices to prove that for any fixed unit vector $u$, $\langle u,Y \rangle \le c/\sqrt{d}$ with high probability. By rotational i …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
3 votes

Another curious martingale

Partial answer. Continuous (local) martingales are time-changed Brownian motion. A way to obtain funny local martingales which also are Markov processes is to start from a Brownian motion $B$ and its …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
7 votes

The expected value of product of random variables which have the same distribution but are n...

The answer to the first question is positive, and the lower bound is achieved, since the set of all probability measures on $[0,1]^k$ with uniform marginals is compact and since the integral of the bo …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
1 vote

Weak convergence of random measures generated by non-negative martingales?

Partial answer For every $a \in [0,1]$, $(\mu_n([0,a]))_{n \ge 0}$ is still a non-negative martingale, hence it converges almost surely to some random variable $L_a$ with values in $[0,+\infty]$. One …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
0 votes

Is the limit of compound Poisson random variables a compound Poisson r.v.?

I hope I did not make a mistake, but I think it works. The convergence $$\exp\Big(\int_\mathbb{R} (e^{izx}-1)d\eta_n(x) \Big) \to \exp\Big(\int_\mathbb{R} (e^{izx}-1)d\nu(x)\Big)$$ yields the converge …
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar

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