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Riemann surfaces(Riemannian surfaces) is one dimensional complex manifold. For questions about classical examples in complex analysis, complex geometry, surface topology.

13 votes

Automorphisms of Riemann Surfaces

Some general remarks on your question: there is an algorithm which, for any $g$, will return a list of all automorphisms of a genus $g$ surface. I'll try to give one possible interpretation of what "l …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
2 votes

The existence of meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces

(Deleted incorrect suggestion). I think one can use uniformization and the construction of automorphic functions on the universal cover to produce meromorphic functions. A google search for these ter …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
6 votes

To differently gluing of two Riemann surfaces with boundary we get different surfaces

If your compact Riemann surfaces $M$ and $N$ have a hyperbolic metric in which the boundary curves are totally geodesic of the same length, then this follows from the Fenchel-Nielsen coordinate parame …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
21 votes

Are mapping class groups of orientable surfaces good in the sense of Serre?

The braid groups are good (which are mapping class groups of punctured disks) by Proposition 3.5 of Grunewald, F.; Jaikin-Zapirain, A.; Zalesskii, P. A., Cohomological goodness and the profinite com …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
6 votes

Laplace-Beltrami Operator on Surfaces

If the surface is closed of genus $g$, there is a universal lower bound on $\lambda_{2g-2}$.
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
5 votes

Classification of surface bundles over surfaces

For a), when $\chi(F)<0$ $F$-bundles over $B$ are classified by maps $\pi_1(B)\to Mod(F)$, where $Mod(F)$ is the mapping class group of $F$. This boils down to the fact that $Diff_0(F)$ is contractibl …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
9 votes

Is there a concept of Combined Teichmuller space for surfaces with both geodesic boundary an...

If you have a compact hyperbolic surface with geodesic boundary $\Sigma$, then you may double the surface along its boundary to get a closed hyperbolic surface $D\Sigma=\Sigma\cup_{\partial\Sigma}\Sig …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
5 votes

Conformal Killing vector fields on compact surface of genus \ge 1

By the uniformization theorem, there is a unique conformally equivalent constant curvature metric up to scaling which is equivalent to a Riemann surface. A conformal Killing vector field would give a …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
6 votes

Simple Closed Hyperbolic Geodesics on Punctured Spheres

If the points are (setwise) invariant under reflection through a plane perpendicular to the sphere, then the the great circle of the reflection plane intersecting the sphere will be geodesic in the hy …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
11 votes

Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem for infinite genus Riemann surfaces

The action is discrete if $X$ is hyperbolic and is not a disk or annulus. By uniformization, $X=\mathbb{H}^2/\Gamma$ for some discrete subgroup $\Gamma< PSL_2(\mathbb{R})$. Let $\Lambda < PSL_2(\mat …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
0 votes

Bounds on the uniformization map for a metric on the 2-sphere

One may define a canonical round metric conformally equivalent to $m$ in the following way: the pullback $f^*(dvol_m)$ of the area measure of $m$ gives a finite measure on $S^2$. Regarding $S^2$ as th …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
6 votes

Are non-isomorphic covers of riemann surfaces also generally nonisomorphic as riemann surfaces?

There's a remarkable theorem of Margulis that pertains to your question. Let $G$ be a semisimple Lie group (in your case, $PSL_2(\mathbb{R})$), and let $\Gamma$ be an irreducible lattice in $G$. The c …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
5 votes

Quasi-isometric embeddings of the mapping class group into the Teichmuller space

A result of Behrstock and Minsky (cf. Hamenstadt too) implies that the rank of mapping class groups is the maximal rank of abelian subgroups, which is $3g+p-3$ for a connected hyperbolic surface of ge …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
7 votes

Hyperelliptic loci in Teichmueller spaces

There's a slight issue I believe with the other answers. If we consider moduli space as an orbifold (of complex dimension $3g-3$), and the hyperelliptic locus an immersed suborbifold (of complex dimen …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k
3 votes

Short basis in $\pi_1$ on a hyperbolic surface of bounded diameter

I think that $A=2d$ will work, basically by applying Morse theory to the distance function from $x$. Morse theory for distance functions was originally considered by Gromov (and then Cheeger). For the …
Ian Agol's user avatar
  • 68.9k

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