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Complex, contact, Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian and Finsler geometry, relativity, gauge theory, global analysis.

5 votes

Example of shrinking Ricci soliton

Yes: Take the shrinking Gaussian $(\mathbb{R}^n, dx^2)$ with $X=\rho\nabla\rho$, where $\rho$ denotes the distance to the origin. This space is Ricci flat, so your inequality holds.
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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4 votes

What are some explicit examples of nontrivial gradient almost Ricci solitons with harmonic c...

The Riemannian product $\mathbb{R}^m \times S^n$ is always of this type, where $\mathbb{R}^m$ is given the flat metric and $S^n$ the round metric of constant sectional curvature one. In this case $\l …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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3 votes

The linearization problem of fully nonlinear equation on standard sphere

Here is my favorite way to do this computation. Let $$ \delta_{i_1 \dotsm i_k}^{j_1 \dotsm j_k} = \begin{cases} \mathrm{sgn}\, \sigma, & \text{if $j_k = i_{\sigma(k)}$}, \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{ …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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7 votes

Nirenberg problem in conformal change

Yes, it is true. This is a consequence of the conformal invariance of the conformal Laplacian. Let $(M^n,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold. The conformal Laplacian is $$ L_2^g = -\Delta + \frac{n-2}{4(n- …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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2 votes

Kelvin transformation in fully nonlinear equation

This follows easily from the fact that the Kelvin transform is a conformal diffeomorphism and the naturality of the Schouten tensor. Let $\Phi(z) := \frac{z}{\lvert z\rvert^2}$ denote the Kelvin trans …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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2 votes

Does any warped product metric admit a function with hessian proportional to the metric?

Yes. (With the caveat that if there is a function such that $\nabla^2\varphi = \psi g$, then necessarily it is a warped product over a one-dimensional base, so your question should really require $\d …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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6 votes

A closed $(1,1)$-form $\eta$ is harmonic if and only if $\Lambda\eta = \text{constant}$

Let $\eta$ be a closed $(1,1)$-form. Then $\partial\eta=0$ and $\overline{\partial}\eta=0$. Recall the Kähler identity \begin{equation*} [\partial,\Lambda] = -i\overline{\partial}^\ast . \end{equatio …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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5 votes

Trace and divergence of the Bach tensor

The Bach tensor is only divergence-free in dimension four. In general dimension, it holds that $\nabla^j B_{ij} = (n-4)P^{jk} ( \nabla_i P_{jk} - \nabla_j P_{ik} )$. I pulled this formula from the b …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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6 votes

Simplification of integral on the sphere

You can also derive the lemma from the Bochner formula, which in general dimensions can be written $$ \frac{1}{2}\Delta\lvert\nabla u\rvert^2 = \lvert\nabla^2u\rvert^2 - (\Delta u)^2 + \delta\left((\ …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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5 votes

Is the conformal compactification of $M \setminus \{ p \}$ unique?

Theorem 1.4 in C. Frances' preprint "Rigidity at the boundary for conformal structures and other Cartan geometries" asserts that the geodesic compactification is unique (up to conformal diffeomorphism …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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3 votes

Einstein warped product manifold Ricci flat

If you also assume that $(N,\ddot g)$ is complete, then your assumptions imply that $(N,\ddot g)$ is Ricci flat. I proved this in my article The nonexistence of quasi-Einstein metrics.
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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1 vote

How to calculate the infimum of Yamabe functional on upper hemisphere

The first observation is that $Q_g(\phi)$ is conformally invariant. Define \begin{align*} L_gu & := -\Delta u + \frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}Ru , \\ B_gu & := \partial_\nu u + \frac{n-2}{2}Hu , \end{align*} wh …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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10 votes

Definition of the conformal metric

Let $(M,[g])$ be a conformal manifold; i.e. $(M,g)$ is a Riemannian manifold and $[g] = \{ u^2g \mathrel{}:\mathrel{} u \in C^\infty(M), u>0 \}$ is the set of Riemannian metrics conformal to $g$. It i …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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3 votes

Yamabe operator, conformal transformations and square of the Dirac operator

The discrepancy comes from the fact that the square of the Dirac operator is in general not conformally covariant. There are ways to modify powers of the Dirac operator to get a conformally covariant …
Jeffrey Case's user avatar
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4 votes

Lee-Parker Yamabe problem proposition 4.6

You are forgetting that, as part of the renormalization, the functions $\psi_s$ all satisfy $\psi_s(-P)=1$ (here $-P$ is the south pole). In particular, since $\psi$ is $C^2$ away from the north pole …
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