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23 votes
2 answers

Vanishing of characteristic numbers vs vanishing of characteristic classes

A famous result by Thom states that Oriented Bordism classes are determined by characteristic numbers; specifically, two closed manifolds are orientedly bordant if and only if they have the same ...
William's user avatar
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A search for a sequence of $6$-manifolds

How to construct closed, orientable, smooth, simply-connected $6$-manifolds such that $H^{*}(M,\mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{Z}[a]/(a^{4})$ (Where $a$ is a generator of degree 2) satisfying $p_{1}(M) = n ...
Nick L's user avatar
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Is there a notion of a chain complex with corners?

Roughly speaking, algebraic topology works by reducing questions about topological objects such as manifolds and cell to questions about chain complexes. On the topological side, although in the PL ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
16 votes
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Smooth structures on the connected sum of a manifold with an Exotic sphere

What can we say about the connected sum of a manifold $M^n$ with an Exotic sphere? Is is possible some of them are still diffemorphic to $M^n$. Is it possible to classifying all the exotic smooth ...
Xiaolei Wu's user avatar
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Possible Euler characteristics of manifolds with tangential structures

Let $p:B\to BO$ be a fibration. We say that a manifold has a $B$-structure if its stable tangent bundle lifts to $B$. I am interested in the question of whether there exists, for a given even ...
Simona Vesela's user avatar
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Finding inverses of certain elements in the set of normal invariants of a smooth manifold

Let, $V$ denote the Stiefel manifold of 2-frames $V_{10,2}$ . Consider the the map $S_\text{diff} (V) \xrightarrow{\eta} N_\text{diff} (V) $ in the surgery exact sequence of a smooth manifold. . ...
Sagnik Biswas's user avatar
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Being a product - from homology to topology

The famous Kunneth formula expresses the homology of a product manifold as the tensor product of the two algebras. Now suppose we know that a manifold $X$ has a decomposition $H_*(X) \simeq A \otimes ...
Andrea Marino's user avatar