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Angular excitations and Schrodinger operators with radial potential in N-dimensions

Can someone please explain the following in mathematical language? "First of all, angular excitations only push the energy up, never down, so it is enough to analyze spherically symmetric s-waves....
user2002's user avatar
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Non-self adjoint Sturm-Liouville problem

I'm new to this site, but I felt the need to post when I recently came in to an ordinary differential equation/boundary value problem with this form: $(1)- \frac{d^2 y}{d x^2} + \frac{m(m+1)} {x^2(...
Eric Gamliel's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Spectral theorem for self-adjoint differential operator on Hilbert space

I need a reference concerning a theorem that shows the following result, stated very roughly: Given a self-adjoint differential operator densely defined on a Hilbert space, then the given Hilbert ...
Gateau au fromage's user avatar