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3 votes
2 answers

Accessible literature on fractional dimensions of subsets of $\mathbb R^n$

I am currently wondering whether it is realistically possible to choose the topic "Fractals and fractal dimensions" for a seminar aimed at undergraduate students in the 2nd semester, with ...
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7 votes
8 answers

Mathematical Advice for Interested Highschool Students

This may not be a research level math question, but I believe it is still relevant to Math Overflow. What general resources exist for students in highschool who are very interested in Mathematics?...
34 votes
23 answers

Textbook recommendations for undergraduate proof-writing class

I am teaching the proof-writing class (for the 3rd time) in the Fall and plan to buck the party line and use a different text than the default Bond and Keane. My parameters are as follows: Logic, ...