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Variation on definition of logical functors avoiding power objects

Without power sets in meta-theory not every Grothendieck topos is an elementary topos, Set is still Grothendieck, but it lacks power objects. Now I am looking for a definition of a logical functor ...
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Do presheaf toposes satisfy the full fan theorem?

Presheaf toposes satisfy LPO and (edit: if over categories with binary products) PAx and countable choice internally, so they automatically satisfy the stable fan theorem (every bar which is the ...
saolof's user avatar
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Examples of statements that are valid in every spatial topos

I am looking for statements¹ that, when interpreted in the internal language of a topos, are valid in all spatial toposes (i.e., the topos of sheaves of any topological space) that are not valid in ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Ordinal-valued sheaves as internal ordinals

Let $X$ be a topological space (feel free to add some separation axioms like “completely regular” if they help in answering the questions). Let $\alpha$ be an ordinal, identified as usual with $\{\...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Sheafs in O-minimal Structures

Let $\mathcal{N} = (N, <, \ldots)$ be an o-minimal structure and let $X \subset N^m$ be a definable set. Following the procedure stablished by Edmundo, Jones and Peatfield in "Sheaf cohomology in o-...
Jonas Gomes's user avatar
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Is there a way to "puncture" a topos?

Let $E$ be a (Grothendieck) topos, e.g. $E = \text{Sh}(X)$ for a topological space $X$. And let $p = (p^*, p_*):\text{Set}\to E$ be a point of $E$, is there a way to "puncture" $E$ in some sense? By "...
h__'s user avatar
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Relationship between coherent toposes/coherent logic and coherent sheaves

I've heard it claimed that the adjective "coherent" in logic/topos theory (i.e. coherent logic, coherent toposes, coherent categories) was adopted to fit in with the terminology of coherent sheaves in ...
dorebell's user avatar
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References regarding a connection between recursion theory and sheaves

In Manin's A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians, he defines (p.201) a structure $(\mathcal{E},R)$ given an enumerable set $E \subset (\mathbb{Z}^+)^n$ by: $\mathcal{E}$ is the set of all ...
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Encoding fuzzy logic with the topos of set-valued sheaves

One of the canonical examples used by Barr & Wells in order to motivate the use of topoi is that we can construct a theory for fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory as set-valued sheaves on a poset (...
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson's user avatar