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7 votes
1 answer

Equivariant perverse sheaves and orbit stratification

Let $X$ be a complex algebraic variety with an action of a connected algebraic group $G$. The forgetful functor from the category of $G$-equivariant perverse sheaves on $X$ to the category of perverse ...
19 votes
2 answers

Explaining Mukai-Fourier transforms physically

A core concept in mathematics, engineering, and physics is the Fourier Transform (FT) and its many variants (Generalized Fourier Series, Green's Function, Pontryagin duality). The basic algorithm is ...
5 votes
2 answers

The equivalence of category of equivariant sheaves on principal bundle and category of sheaves on base space

Let $\pi:P\to B$ is a $G$-principal bundle, which means $G$ acts on $P$ freely and $\pi$ is a locally trivial fibration. Here is a well-known theorem: THeorem: The inverse image functor $\pi^{*}$ ...
7 votes
0 answers

Correspondence between Verma module morphisms and invariant differential operators - is it exact?

For a (complex, connected, simply connected, simple) Lie group $G$, a parabolic subgroup $P \subseteq G$, and a $\mathfrak g$-integral $\mathfrak p$-dominant weight $\lambda$, we can construct ...
11 votes
1 answer

Understanding the purely formal part of the sheaf theoretic (cohomological) framework for representation theory

By now I have the impression that many statements in representation theory can be phrased a lot more elegantly using cohomological language. Therefore I'm trying to understand a bit better the sheaf ...
1 vote
1 answer

Beilinson-Bernstein localization: $\mathfrak{g}$ action on $G$-equivariant sheaf

I have a few elementary questions related to Beilinson-Bernstein localization. Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. Consider the setup of ...
2 votes
0 answers

on geometric Satake and functions

Let $G(F)/G(O)$ the affine grassmanian with $F=k((t))$ where $k$ is a finite field. For $\lambda$ a dominant cocharacter, we have by Cartan decomposition the schubert strata $\overline{Gr^{\lambda}}$....
5 votes
0 answers

About an argument in `Koszul duality patterns in representation theory' by Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel.

I am trying to understand Proposition 3.4.2 in `Koszul duality patterns in representation theory' by Beilinson-Ginzburg-Soergel [BGS]. A copy of the paper can be found at http://home.mathematik.uni-...
21 votes
3 answers

Is there a "categorical" description of Grothendieck's algebra of differential operators?

First, pick a commutative ring $k$ as the "ground field". Everything I say will be $k$-linear, e.g. "algebra" means "unital associative algebra over $k$". Then recall the following construction due ...