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Finitistic dimension of an algebra

The finitistic dimension of an algebra is defined as the supremum of all projective dimensions of modules having finite projective dimension. (we look here only at finite dimensional modules). It is ...
Mare's user avatar
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Strange modules over symmetric algebras

Let $A$ be a symmetric algebra (finite dimensional and connected) and define $\psi_M:=sup \{ i \geq 1 | Ext^{i}(M,M) \neq 0 \}$ (infinite if this Ext is nonzero infinitely often) for an indecomposable ...
Mare's user avatar
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Computation of nearby cycles, monodromy action and action of $sl_{2}$ on $\operatorname{gr}(Ψ)$ for Picard-Lefshetz family

Let $f: \mathbb{A}^{2} \rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{1}$ be a map that sends $(x,y)$ to $xy$. Let $U \hookrightarrow \mathbb{A}^{2}$ be the preimage $f^{-1}(\mathbb{A}^{2} \setminus \{0\})$ and $X:=f^{−1}(0)...
Din's user avatar
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Number of syzygy closed Nakayama algebras

Let $A$ be the algebra of $n \times n$ upper triangular matrices over a field $K$ and $J$ its Jacobson radical. Call an ideal $I$ of $A$ admissible in case $I \subseteq J^2$. Let $X$ be the set of ...
Mare's user avatar
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Questions on syzygies and Gorenstein algebras

Questions are about this paper: and all algebras are finite dimensional Question 1: In corollary 6.21 (2) there is a proof of the direction (e) implies (a):...
Mare's user avatar
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Finitistic dimension via tilting modules

is the following true (all algebras and modules are assumed to be finite dimensional): The finitistic dimension of an algebra is equal to the supremum of projective dimensions of tilting modules? It ...
Mare's user avatar
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Cohen-Macaulay Artin algebras

In Auslander and Reiten introduced Cohen-Macaulay Artin algebras as a generalisation of Gorenstein algebras. Let X be the full ...
Mare's user avatar
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Representation-finitness and Ext^1

Given a non-local selfinjective connected quiver algebra A with indecomposable module M with $Ext^{1}(M,M) \neq 0$. Can $B=End_A(A \oplus M)$ be representation-finite? The answer is no in case $A$ is ...
Mare's user avatar
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First Hochschild cohomology in a local selfinjective algebra

Given a non-semisimple local selfinjective finite dimensional algebra $A$ with enveloping algebra $A^e$. Can one have $Ext_{A^{e}}^{1}(A,A)=0$ (that is the first hochschild cohomology zero)? I can ...
Mare's user avatar
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Question on period of algebras

Given a finite dimensional selfinjective algebra $A$. By definition, the period of $A$ is the smallest integer $i >0$ such that $\Omega^{i}(A) \cong A$ as $A \otimes_K A^{op}$-modules. Is the ...
Mare's user avatar
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2 - Calabi Yau algebras and bimodule coherence

Let $\Pi:=\Pi(Q)$ be the preprojective algebra of a connected non-Dynkin quiver over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In H. Minamoto "Ampleness of two-sided tilting complexes", ...
Francesco Vaccarino's user avatar
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When does Ext^2 vanish in a category of group representations.

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over field $k$ of characteristic zero. It is well known that the category of finite dimensional $k$--linear representations of $G$ is abelian, and that it is ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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Can the 'linkages' between equivalent extensions of modules of an algebraic group be taken to have bounded length?

I have a conjecture concerning how "tightly" two equivalent $n$-fold extensions of modules over an algebraic group over a field might be "linked". I suspect that the question has been already ...
Mike Crumley's user avatar
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When is $N^{*} \otimes_K M$ projective for a local Hopf algebra?

Given a finite dimensional local Hopf algebra $A$ over a field $K$ and two finite dimensional indecomposable modules $N$ and $M$. Is it known when the module $N^{*} \otimes_K M$ is projective? Can ...
Mare's user avatar
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Infinite radical ideal cubed equals zero for tame hereditary Artin algebras

Let $A$ be a tame hereditary Artin algbera and mod$A$ the category of finitely generated (left) $A$-modules. Further, let rad$_A$ be the radical ideal of mod$A$, which is the smallest ideal containing ...
kevkev1695's user avatar
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Finding exceptional regular representations of $\tilde{D}_4$ efficiently

Let $A$ be the path algebra of the quiver $\tilde{D}_4$. I would like to find its exceptional regular representations with as little computation as possible. Of course, we can compute the whole ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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In search of disconnected indecomposable self-injective finite-dimensional algebras

I wanted to know if it is possible to construct an indecomposable self-injective finite-dimensional algebra $\Lambda$ whose Auslander-Reiten quiver $\Gamma_\Lambda$ is not connected. I'd love to see ...
Fernando Muro's user avatar
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Question on Ext for finite dimensional algebras

Given a finite dimensional non-Gorenstein algebra $A$, do we have $Ext^i(D(A),A) \neq 0$ for infinitely many $i$? (We can assume A is local or commutative if that helps). All I can show is that such ...
Mare's user avatar
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The definitions of a generator module?

Recently I have seen two definition of a generator module: 1) A generator for a category $C$ is an object $G$ such that for any two parallel morphisms $f,g:X \rightarrow Y$ with $f \neq g$, then ...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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Gaps in the projective dimensions of simple modules

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra with finite global dimension $g$ and $n$ simple modules. Let $d_1<d_2<...<d_r$ be the sequence of projective dimension of simple $A$-modules in ...
Mare's user avatar
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Projective dimensions of simple modules in acyclic quiver algebras

Given a quiver algebra $A=KQ/I$ with acyclic $Q$. Then $A$ has finite global dimension, lets say $g$. Question: Is there for any $0 \leq i \leq g$ a simple module with projective dimension equal to ...
Mare's user avatar
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homology under exact functors

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an Abelian category, $X$ be a complex, $F$ be a contravariant exact functor. I am wondering whether F preserves the homology of X, that means whether $H^{i}(FX)=F(H^{-i}(X)),\ \...
luw's user avatar
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Projectivity of torsion-free modules over integral group rings

Let $G$ be a torsion-free group and assume that the integral group ring $\mathbb{Z}G$ is torsion-free as well. Let $M$ be a torsion-free, finitely generated module over $\mathbb{Z}G$. If we assume ...
AlexE's user avatar
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Gorenstein projective module over commutative local algebras

Let $A$ be a local commutative finite dimensional algebra over a field $K$. An $A$-module $M$ is called Gorenstein projective if $M$ is reflexive, $Ext_A^i(M,A)=0=Ext_A^i(M^{*},A)$ for all $i>0$ ...
Mare's user avatar
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Rep infinite, but $\tau$-tilting finite

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field. I'm trying to better understand the difference between $A$ being representation infinite and $A$ being $\tau$-tilting ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Combinatorial problem on periodic dyck paths from homological algebra

edit: I added conjecture 2 that looks much more accessible. Here is the elementary combinatorial translation of the problem (read below for the homological background): Let $n \geq 2$. A Nakayama ...
Mare's user avatar
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$Ext_A^1(J,J)$ for the Jacobson radical $J$ of an algebra $A$

Let algebras be finite dimensional over a field $K$ and let $J$ denote the Jacobson radical (this is the intersection of all maximal right ideals) of an algebra. Being hereditary means that the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Reflexive modules up to multiplicity

Call an indecomposable module $M$ over a ring $A$ (restrict to finite dimensional algebras if you like or if it helps) $n$-almost reflexive in case $M^{**} \cong nM$, when $(-)^{*}=Hom_A(-,A)$ and $nM$...
Mare's user avatar
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Complexity one modules that are not periodic

Questions: Is there a module of complexity one that is not periodic over a selfinjective algebra over a finite field? Is there a module of complexity one that is not periodic over a symmetric algebra ...
Mare's user avatar
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How to get that $\Omega^2_{\Lambda}(N) \cong \textrm{Hom}_A(M,Y)$?

Let $A$ be an algebra over a field k. A module $_AM$ is called a generator if $\textrm{add}(A) \subseteq \textrm{add}(M)$, a cogenerator if $\textrm{add}\big(D(A)\big) \subseteq \textrm{add}(M)$. $M$ ...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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How to get $Hom_A(M,N) \cong Hom_{B^{op}}(Hom_A(N,T),Hom_A(M,T))$?

I am reading the paper"Dominant dimensions, derived quivalences and tilting modules", the link is here: On page 22,Lemma 4.2 says that let M ...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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Proving indecomposability of special modules

I'm reading the following paper: On page 795 and 796 there are the definitions (in a diagrammatical way) of some $A_n$ modules, whereupon $A_n:=k[x,...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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Using the mapping cone to show that a chain map defines a stable equivalence between two symmetric algebras

This question is about an argument in the proof of Theorem 9.8.8 in Linckelmanns Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras. I need to understand the argument in order to do something similar in my ...
jb2g4's user avatar
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Ext between a module and its higher Auslander-Reiten translate

Let $A$ be a representation-finite algebra and $M$ an indecomposable module with finite projective dimension $g >0$. Question 1: Do we have $dim(Ext_A^g(M, \tau_g(M)))=1$? Here $\tau_g(M)=\tau ( \...
Mare's user avatar
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Characterisation of minimal projective resolutions via the Euler characteristic

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $K$-algebra (where $K$ is a field) and $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module. Let $\psi: 0 \rightarrow P_r \rightarrow ... \rightarrow P_0 \rightarrow M \rightarrow 0$ ...
Mare's user avatar
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Example of a projective bimodule with isomorphic left and right duals

What is an example of a non-free finitely generated $R$-bimodule $M$ satisfying i) $M$ is projective as both a left and right $R$-module ii) the right dual $\mathrm{Hom}_R(M,R)$ and the left dual ...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
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A weaker version of strongly graded algebras

Let $A = \oplus_{i \in \mathbb{Z}} A_i$ be a graded algebra. We say that it is strongly graded if $A_i.A_j = A_{i+j}$, for all $i,j \in \mathbb{Z}$. Can there be existing a graded algebra such that $$...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
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Extensions of lattices

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\phi:M\to N$ be a surjective homomorphism of $G$-lattices (i.e. finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}[G]$-modules, free as $\mathbb Z$-modules), with kernel $K$. For every $n\...
Tetawo's user avatar
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Example to periodic symmetric algebras

In case $A$ is a symmetric finite dimensional algebra and $e$ an idempotent, $eAe$ is again symmetric. Is there an easy counterexample for the following: In case $A$ is additionally a periodic ...
Mare's user avatar
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Calabi-Yau algebra for finite dimensional algebras

I read the article "Defomrations of algebras in noncommutative geometry" by Schedler. In Definition 3.7.9. he gives the definition of Calabi-Yau algebra of dimensi on d as algebras that are ...
Mare's user avatar
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First Hochschild cohomology of $A=K[x]/(x^n)$

Given the algebra $A=K[x]/(x^n)$ for some field $K$ and natural number $n \geq 2$ with enveloping algebra $A^e=A \otimes_K A$. It is easy to see that the 1. Hochschild cohomology of $A$ is nonzero ...
Mare's user avatar
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Questions about dominant dimension

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over a field K. Let $M$ be an $A$-module and $0 \rightarrow I^0 \rightarrow I^1 \rightarrow \cdots$ be a minimal injective resolution of $M$. The dominant ...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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Nomenclature question: a morita-invariant way to say finite-dimensional?

Say $\mathcal{C}$ is the Abelian category of finitely-generated modules over some $k$-algebra $A$. Then an object $M\in \mathcal{C}$ is finite-dimensional over $k$ if and only if $\text{Hom}(P, M)$ is ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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The projective and injective modules of $End_A(V)$?

Let A be a finite-dimensional k-algebra,where k is a fixed field. All modules of A are finitely generated left modules. Suppose X is an A-module. We denote by add(X) the full subcategory of A-modules ...
Xiaosong Peng's user avatar
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Ext groups in the equivariant derived category

I apologize in advance that this question is probably too basic for MO, but I reckoned I would not get an answer on Math.Stackexchange. I am starting to learn about perverse sheaves, the ...
Balerion_the_black's user avatar
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Computing (relative) cohomology classes on quotient (vector) space via Hodge theorem

I am working on a graded vector space $V = \bigoplus_{i\in \mathbb{N}}V_i$ (which is a parabolic Verma module in the sense of [1], but let's ignore such specifics) with a positive definite inner ...
EdRich's user avatar
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Almost split sequences coming from bimodules

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra with enveloping algebra $A^e$. Auslander and Reiten proved in "On a theorem of E. Green on the dual of the transpose" that $Hom_A(Tr_{A^e}(A),M) \cong ...
Mare's user avatar
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Injective dimension of $A/AeA$

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra with finite global dimension $g$ and $e$ the idempotent such that $eA$ is the direct sum of all indecomposable projective-injective $A$-modules. Do we have $g=...
Mare's user avatar
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A non-monoidal functor that respects fusion rules

Let $(\cal{C},\otimes)$ and $(\cal{D},\odot)$ be two monoidal categories. Moreover, assume that $\cal{C}$ and $\cal{D}$ are abelian and semisimple. Let $X,Y$ be two simple objects in $\cal{C}$, and ...
Abo Kutis-Felan's user avatar
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Criteria for a finite-dimensional $k$-Algebra to be basic and elementary

I have the following question: Suppose, I have a finite dimensional $k$-Algebra $A$ over an arbitrary field $k$ and a finite dimensional module $M$ that is a generator-cogenerator of mod-$A$. I'm ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar

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