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Finite global dimension via the Cartan determinant

Let $A=T(KQ)$ be the trivial extension algebra of a path algebra of Dynkin type $KQ$. The indecomposable module of $A$ correspond to the roots of $Q$ (and not just the positive roots as for $KQ$). Let ...
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A practical way to check whether a module is periodic

A module $M$ over a finite dimensional selfinjective algebra $A$ over a field $K$ is called periodic if $M \cong \Omega^n(M)$ for some $n \geq 1$. We assume here that $M$ is simple and that A is a ...
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Constructing stable equivalences for finite dimensional algebras

Given a finite dimensional (non-selfinjective) algebra $A$. Is there a method (for example using QPA) to construct algebras stable equivalent to $A$? Such a thing is easily possible for derived ...
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Deciding whether two algebras are derived equivalent

Given two finite dimensional quiver algebras $A$ and $B$ (over a nice field in case that helps, for example a finite field). Question: Can an there be a finite algorithm that decides whether $A$ ...
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Stable equivalence and stable Auslander algebras

Let $A$ be a representation-finite finite dimensional quiver algebra and $M$ the basic direct sum of all indecomposable $A$-modules. Recall that the Auslander algebra of $A$ is $End_A(M)$ and the ...
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Calculating the Ext-algebra with a computer

Given a finite dimensional quiver algebra $A$ over an arbitrary field and a module $M$ of finite injective dimension or finite projective dimension. Let $B$ be the Ext algebra of $M$, that is $B:=\...
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Finding all selforthogonal indecomposable modules

Given a finite dimensional algebra $A$ with finite global dimension such that there are only finitely many basic tilting modules. Then every selforthogonal indecomposable module $M$ (that is a module ...
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