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Mattuck's Theorem for abelian varieties for a non-locally compact field

Let $A$ be an abelian variety of dimension $d$ defined over a complete ultrametric field $K$ of dimension $0$. Let us put on $A(K)$ the topology induced by the one of $K$ (for example, following ...
rtwo's user avatar
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Is the set of points on an abelian surface which project to rational points on the Kummer surface a subgroup?

Let $C$ be a hyperelliptic curve of genus 2 defined over $\mathbb{Q}$, let $J$ be its Jacobian, and let $X$ be the Kummer surface associated to $J$ (i. e. $X$ is the singular Kummer surface which ...
Vik78's user avatar
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Reference request. Finiteness of the Selmer group

Let $K$ be a global field (ie either a number field or the function field of a curve over a finite field). Let $A,B$ be abelian varieties over $K$ and let $\phi:A\to B$ be an isogeny. Associated with $...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many real multiplication fields of abelian surfaces over $\mathbb Q$?

Do there exist infinitely many real quadratic fields $F$ such that there is an abelian surface $A$ over $\mathbb Q$ whose ring of endomorphisms, tensored with $\mathbb Q$, is $F$? Do there exist ...
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