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Semiclassical analysis and reflection law

I was curious about the following vague question. In pseudodifferential calculus and semi-classical analysis there are various theorems that relate geodesics of the underlying space to the behavior of ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Research topics in microlocal analysis

Before asking this question here I did some research on web but I would like to get the opinion of those directly interested if there are any , (as I did in this thread Research topics in distribution ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Positive form for a homogeneous elliptic pde

I have a pde of the following form: \begin{align} &P(x,D)u = f \text{ on } \Omega, \\ &P(x,D) = \sum\limits_{|\alpha|=2m}a_\alpha(x)D^{\alpha}, \end{align} where one can assume that $f$ ...
Fedor Goncharov's user avatar
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BVPs for elliptic PDOs: When do Green functions ($L^2$ inverses) define pseudo-differential operators in the interior?

I asked the following question on math.SE ( just over two months ago, and it ...
JahvedM's user avatar
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Poisson Equation across a Hypersurface [closed]

Let $\mathbb{B}(0,1) \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ denote the unit ball. Let $\Gamma = \{x_3=0\}$. Let us assume $f \in L^2(B)$ .Consider the problem $ \triangle u = f $ in $\mathbb{B}$ in the weak sense such ...
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