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Superharmonic functions and amenability

Let $G$ be a group generated by a finite set $S$. Let $P$ be a Markov operator defined by the uniform measure on $S$. A function is superharmonic if $Pf\leq f$. Assume that there is a set of non-...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
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Moment of the hitting measure of a subgroup

Given a [finitely generated] group $G$ and a finite generating set $S$, a measure $\mu$ will have finite $\alpha$-moment if $\sum_{g \in G} \mu(g) |g|_S^\alpha$ is finite (where $|g|_S$ is the word ...
ARG's user avatar
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Random walk on a finite group, converging modulo a function

Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $Q$ be a probability measure on $G$. Suppose that $Q$, as a function on $G$, is supported on a conjugacy class $C$. We denote by $Q^{*k}$ the $k$-fold convolution of ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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Reference request for a result on subsets unlikely to be hit by random walks in a group

Suppose we are performing a random walk in a group. More precisely, we have a finite generating set $S$ of a group $G$ and the probability of walking along generator $s$ is given by $\mu(s)$ for some ...
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