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2 answers

Computation of the pfaffian of a particular matrix

This question was originally asked in ( I did not find any satisfactory answer there. So I am ...
SiOn's user avatar
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Pfaffian generalization

The identity $$\left| \begin{array}{cccc} x & y_1 & y_2 & y_3 \\ z_1 & 0 & a & b \\ z_2 & -a & 0 & c \\ z_3 & -b & -c & 0 \\ \end{array} \right|=\...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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Rational map given by pfaffians

Consider a general skew-symmetric $(n+1)\times (n+1)$ matrix $Z$, and let su map $Z$ to the point of $\mathbb{P}^n$ determined by $[pf_0(Z):\dots:pf_n(Z)]$ where the $pf_i(Z)$ are the principal ...
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Detailed modern references for basic properties of Pfaffians over commutative rings

Pfaffians are important to algebraic combinatorics, at least. This is to propose the making of a 'wiki' list, more modern, precise and compressed than e.g. the relevant Wikipedia page (nothing against ...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Pfaffian of several skew-linear transformations / matrices

Introduction: Let's assume we have a 2-form $\alpha=(1/2)\sum_{j,k=1}^n a_{jk}\ e_j\wedge e_k$, where $n=2m$, and $a_{jk}\in\mathbb C$. We know that $\alpha^{\wedge m}=\alpha\wedge\alpha\dots\wedge\...
BarTov's user avatar
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the pfaffian-adjugate and its counterparts for matrices odd size

Let $R$ be a commutative ring (zero characteristic). Take a skew-symmetric matrix $A\in Mat^{skew-sym}(n,R)$. If $n$ is even, then $\det(A)=Pf^2(A)$ and there exists the "Pfaffian adjugate/adjoint" ...
Dmitry Kerner's user avatar
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Detecting if a polynomial is a Pfaffian

Given an explicit polynomial, is there any kind of trick/algorithm to check whether it is a pfaffian of a matrix with linear entries? The pfaffian can be defined as $\sqrt{{\rm det}(A) } $ when $A$ ...
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