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3 answers

Calculating variance-minimal perfect matchings

Question: are there any algorithms, resp. what can be recommended, for calculating perfect matchings with the property that the variance of their edge's weights is minimal?
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Enumerating the directed vertex-disjoint cycle covers of digraphs

A directed cycle-cover of a digraph $D$ is in the sense of this post equivalent to a perfect matching in the related undirected biadjacency graph $B$ in which the edges connect a vertex $u$ of $D$ in ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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4 votes
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Algorithms to count perfect matchings in near planar graphs

It is well known that counting perfect matchings is tractable in planar graphs (due to Kastelyn). I am interested in classes of (for lack of a better word) "near" planar graphs (1-planar, ...
Agile_Eagle's user avatar
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Edge-length constraints from greedy matching

The subject of this question are perfect matchings of a complete undirected graph $G(V,E), n:=\mathrm{card}(V)=2k$, without self-loops or parallel edges and $n=2k$ vertices. The objective is to ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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2 answers

Connecting $2n$ points in $\mathbb R^2$ with line segments s.t. each point belongs to exactly one line segment

I'm trying to do a certain simulation related to the toric code and I'm looking for an algorithm that connects $2n$ points ($n \in \mathbb Z_+$) in $\mathbb R^2$ with line segments with the following ...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar
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Spanning subgraphs defined via $K_4$ matchings

I have by accident found an interesting kind of spanner of complete symmetric graphs $G(V,E)$ with weighted edges. What I actually had planned was to implement an algorithm for calculating certain non-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Infection on a complete graph

Suppose we have a complete graph on $2n$ vertices with one "infected" vertex. At each time step, we form a matching of the vertices. Then the vertices paired with infected vertices will also ...
PoissonSummation's user avatar
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Is it possible to improve the weight of perfect bipartite matchings faster than with Bellman-Ford?

If $G\left(A\cup B,\ E=\lbrace\lbrace a, b\rbrace\,|\, a\in A,\, b\in B\rbrace\right)$ is a weighted bipartite graph and $M_0$ an initial perfect matching, then the optimality of $M_0$ can be verified ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Finding minimum weight perfect matchings in sparse bipartite graphs

Question: What can be recommended for finding optimal perfect matchings in large bipartite graphs with small vertex degree if the edge-weights are positive real values? I am looking for ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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8 votes
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Fastest algorithm for counting perfect matchings in a general graph

Let $G(V,E)$ be a undirected graph. I am interested in the fastest known algorithm for counting the number of perfect matchings in $G(V,E)$ (which is known to be in $\#P$). In particular, what is the ...
Mario Krenn's user avatar
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Test Instances for Perfect Matchings in Graphs

Are there any graphs with a known set of perfect matchings and other predefined properties, such as vertex connectivity, which can be used for testing the implementation of matching algorithms? ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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7 votes
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Algorithm to count the number of perfect matchings in non planar graph

I need to count the number of perfect matchings of a certain family of graphs. This family of graph is non planar and a type of snark. For the initial cases, it seems that this number is growing ...
Sandeep Silwal's user avatar
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2 answers

The cost function in the Weighted Bipartite Matching Problem (a.k.a the Assignment Problem)

In the definition of this problem, the weight/cost function generally takes value in $\mathbb{Z}$ (or sometimes $\mathbb{Q}$). This is what I observed from some books (e.g. "Combinatorial ...
f10w's user avatar
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Algorithm to find all (up to isomorphism) perfect matchings of quartic plane graphs

I need to find all (up to isomorphism) perfect matchings of some quartic plane graphs. I haven't found any specific algorithm to give me all the perfect matchings. Does anybody know about such an ...
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