
A directed cycle-cover of a digraph $D$ is in the sense of this post equivalent to a perfect matching in the related undirected biadjacency graph $B$ in which the edges connect a vertex $u$ of $D$ in its role as a source vertex to a vertex $v$ of $D$ in its role as a target vertex.


what can be exploited to speed up the enumeration of all directed cycle-covers, in the above sense, of a given digraph $D$?

So far it appears to me that a recursive depth-first search is a good basic algorithm; here is an exemplary implementation in the python language:

def report_covers(G):
    n      = len(G)
    covers = []
    used   = [False]*n
    cover  = [0]*len(G)

    used = [False]*n
    cover = [0]*n 

    def listing_covers(k):
        if k < 0:
        # iterate over the outedges of vertex k
        for v in G[k]:
            if not used[v]:
                cover[k] = v
                used[v] = True
                used[v] = False
    return covers

The optimization potentials I see for that algorithm are:

  • choosing between iterating over the in-edges and iterating over the out-edges if the product of in-degrees is smaller than the product of out-degrees
  • chosing between reordering the vertices according to increasing degree vs according to descending degree in favor of ascending degree
  • if the outdegree of $u$ is one and $(u,v)\in D$, then all incoming edges of $v$, except $(u,v)$ can be removed from $D$ prior to the enumeration.
  • what else?


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