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Image of $\gamma-1$ on etale $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules

Let $p\geq 3$ be a prime, $D$ be an etale $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-modules over the classical period ring $A_{\mathbb{Q}_p}=\mathbb{Z}_p[\![T]\!][1/T]^{\widehat{\phantom{xx}}}_p$ and $\gamma$ be a ...
Yijun Yuan's user avatar
8 votes
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Motivation of the construction of $p$-adic period rings

Let $B$ be either $B_{\text{dR}}$ or $B_{\text{crys}}$. For a $\mathbb{Q}_p$-representation $V$ of the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{K}/K)$ of a $p$-adic field $K$ (a finite extension ...
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To identify $p$-adic Tate module $T_p(G)$ of $p$-divisible group $G$ in the category $\text{Rep}_{\mathbb{Q}_p}(G_{K_\infty})$

Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p>0$, $W=W(k)$ its ring of Witt vectors, $K_0=W(k)[\frac{1}{p}]$ and, $K/K_0$ be a totally ramified extension. Let $\pi \in K$ be an uniformizer. ...
MAS's user avatar
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$l$-adic Galois representations factor through a common finite quotient

Let $X$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected variety over $\mathbb{Q}$. Assume that for some $m>0$ we have $h^{i, 2m-i}(X)=0$ unless $i=m$. Does there exist a number field $E$ such that ...
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galois deformation ring with type is union of irreducible components

Notation: $K$ finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $G_K$ absolute Galois group of $K$, $E$ is finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ (coefficient field), $O_E$ is ring of integer in $E$. In this paper of ...
quasi-mathematician's user avatar
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Independence of $p$ of Hodge-Tate weights

Let $X$ be a smooth and proper variety over $\mathbb{Q}$. Then for each prime $p$ we have the representation $R_p=H^i_{et}(X\times \overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}, \mathbb{Q}_p)$ of $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\...
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7 votes
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Irreducible global Galois representation with weights 0, 1, 3?

Fix a prime number $p$. Can there exist a continuous irreducible representation $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})\to \mathrm{GL}_3(\mathbb{Q}_p)$ that is unramified at almost all primes, ...
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Is the Fargues–Fontaine curve proper?

It is well known that Fontaine's curve $X=\bigoplus_{k\geq0}B_{\text{cris}}^{+,\varphi=p^k}$ is a Noetherian irreducible complete scheme of dimension $1$. And completeness means that the degree ...
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An example that a $p$ adic Galois representation is crystalline but not $B_e$ admissible

$B_e=B_{\text{cris}}^{\phi=1}$, so if a $p$-adic Galois representation $V$ is $B_e$ admissible, then it is crystalline, so I want to know an example that $V$ is crystalline but not $B_e$ admissible. ...
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$B_{\mathrm{cris}}\subseteq B_{\mathrm{dR}}$ and $B_{\mathrm{dR}}^+$ are well-known period rings in $p$-adic Hodge. I know $B_{\mathrm{dR}}=B_{\mathrm{dR}}^+[\frac{1}{t}]$ and $\frac{1}{t}\in B_{\...
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Topology on $p$-adic period rings in an article by Fontaine, part II

This is a follow-up to this question. See that question for background and relevant notation. In the answer to that question, it is claimed, if I understand the answer correctly, that a basis of ...
DCM's user avatar
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Fontaine-Fargues curve and period rings and untilt

When I read the paper "THE FARGUES–FONTAINE CURVE AND DIAMONDS" of Matthew Morrow, I have a question on page 11. Question: The arthur said that the de Rham and crystalline period rings implicitly ...
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How to prove the p-adic Galois representations atteched to the Tate module of an abelian variety is de Rham directly?

Recently I read a thesis p-adic Galois representations and elliptic curves. Using Tate's curve, the author proved the p-adic Galois representations atteched to the Tate module of an elliptic curve is ...
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Classify 2-dim p-adic galois representations

Recently I have known how to classify 1-dim p adic Galois representations $\phi$. The p-adic Galois representations mean that a representation $G_K$ on a p-adic field $E$, where $K$ is also a p-adic ...
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Berthelot’s comparison theorem and functoriality

Let $A$ be a noetherian $p$-adically complete ring with an ideal $I$ equipped with a PD structure and such that $p$ is nilpotent on $A/I$. Let $S = \text{Spec}(A)$, $S_0 = \text{Spec}(A/I)$, $Y\to S$ ...
Ari's user avatar
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11 votes
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Reference request: Newton above Hodge

Let $K$ be a p-adic field, and let $\mathcal{O}$ be the ring of integers inside $K$ with residue field $k$. Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a smooth proper formal scheme over $\mathcal{O}$ (with topology given ...
S. Li's user avatar
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Two Definitions of Barsotti-Tate Representations

In different articles I have seen different definitions of Barsotti-Tate representations. I am wondering if and how these definitions are equivalent. In Section 1.1 of Conrad-Diamond-Taylor they say ...
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Smooth intertwining operators

Let $V$ be a crystalline irreducible representation of the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ with distinct Hodge Tate weights $(0,k-1), k \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 2}$. Then $V$ is uniquely ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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Locally analytic vectors of a quotient space

My question here is in connection with one of my previous question "A definition of a (amalgamated) direct sum" Following the notations there, my question is: Why the locally analytic vectors of $B(...
MathStudent's user avatar
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Reference on a result on local Galois representation associated to classic modular form in p-adic Hodge theory

At the end of Fontaine’s rings and p-adic L-functions, P. Colmez states a Theorem 8.4.8 (click here) of Faltings-Tusji-Saito without references. So I am wondering is there any references for this ...
Bonbon's user avatar
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A definition of a (amalgamated) direct sum

I am wondering about a definition of a direct sum in page $31$ of this paper by R. Liu. I am following the notations in page $31$ of the above paper. Let $V$ be a crystalline irreducible ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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p-adic representations of $GL_2(\mathbb{Q}_p)$

Let $L$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Colmez defines here the trainguline representations which are extensions of Robba rings of dimension $1$. Then, in this paper he contructs the ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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Basic question on p-adic Hodge theory

I am starting to study the rudiments of p-adic Hodge theory and I have the following basic question. Let $\chi$ be the unramified quadratic character of $G_p = \mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}_p/\mathbb{...
Michael's user avatar
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18 votes
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Why does $H^i(X_{ét},\mathbb{Q}_p)$ have a Hodge-Tate structure?

Let $X$ be a variety over a $p$-adic field $K$. Is there a simple or intuitive explanation of why the $G_K$ representation $H^i(X_{ét},\mathbb{Q}_p)$ is Hodge-Tate? More precisely, why do the powers ...
user10676's user avatar
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Hodge-Tate weights of etale cohomology

Let $K/\mathbb Q_p$ be a local field, $X/K$ a proper scheme with semi-stable reduction. Question: What is the possible range of Hodge-Tate weights of the etale cohomology $H^i(X_{\overline K}, \...
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