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$l$-adic Galois representations factor through a common finite quotient

Let $X$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected variety over $\mathbb{Q}$. Assume that for some $m>0$ we have $h^{i, 2m-i}(X)=0$ unless $i=m$. Does there exist a number field $E$ such that ...
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Independence of $p$ of Hodge-Tate weights

Let $X$ be a smooth and proper variety over $\mathbb{Q}$. Then for each prime $p$ we have the representation $R_p=H^i_{et}(X\times \overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}, \mathbb{Q}_p)$ of $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\...
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Hodge filtration over $\mathbb Z_p$

Let $p$ be a prime number. Let $X\to\operatorname{Spec}\mathbb Z_p$ be smooth and proper. Is it true that the map $H^i(X,\Omega^{\bullet\geq j}_{X/\mathbb Z_p})\to H^i(X,\Omega^\bullet_{X/\mathbb Z_p})...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Explicit semi-stable theorem for elliptic curves over $p$-adic fields

In this paper of Maja Volkov, the authur metions a number called "défaut de semi-stabilité" on page 9. It is defined as $\text{dst}(E)=\frac{12}{\text{pgcd} (12,v_p(\Delta_E))}$ where $E$ is ...
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p-adic representations of $GL_2(\mathbb{Q}_p)$

Let $L$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Colmez defines here the trainguline representations which are extensions of Robba rings of dimension $1$. Then, in this paper he contructs the ...
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Equivalence of vector bundles over $Spec(A_{\inf})$ and the punctured spectrum

I'm trying to understand the Lemma 4.6 of Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze's paper Integral $p$-adic Hodge Theory. In the proof, for proving the restriction functor is fully faithful, it used a affine open cover $...
Yijun Yuan's user avatar
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An example that a $p$ adic Galois representation is crystalline but not $B_e$ admissible

$B_e=B_{\text{cris}}^{\phi=1}$, so if a $p$-adic Galois representation $V$ is $B_e$ admissible, then it is crystalline, so I want to know an example that $V$ is crystalline but not $B_e$ admissible. ...
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Uniqueness of finite flat models over bases of low ramification via Breuil-Kisin modules

Let $R$ be a complete DVR of mixed characteristic $(0, p)$, let $K$ be its fraction field, and assume that the absolute ramification index $e$ of $R$ satisfies $e < p - 1$ and that the residue ...
Lisa S.'s user avatar
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Minimal semistable model for K3-surfaces.

I wonder if a semistalbe K3 surface over a $p$-adic field has a minimal semistable model. I guess yes but I do not find any reference. Also, if we have a semistable K3 surface with a log structure, ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
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Rank of $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$-module $H_{et}^{i}(X,\mathbb{Z}_{p}(r))$

I want to ask the following question. Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $d$ over $p$-adic field $k$ ( i.e. finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$). Is it true that etale cohomology $H_{...
Sunny's user avatar
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How to prove the p-adic Galois representations atteched to the Tate module of an abelian variety is de Rham directly?

Recently I read a thesis p-adic Galois representations and elliptic curves. Using Tate's curve, the author proved the p-adic Galois representations atteched to the Tate module of an elliptic curve is ...
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Locally analytic vectors of a quotient space

My question here is in connection with one of my previous question "A definition of a (amalgamated) direct sum" Following the notations there, my question is: Why the locally analytic vectors of $B(...
MathStudent's user avatar
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What is the Galois representation structure of $B_{\text{cris}}^+/(t)$?

In $p$-adic Hodge theory, there is a nice exact sequence for quotients of $B_{\text{dr}}^+$. Denote by $t$ the typical uniformizer of $B_{\text{dr}}^+$ (the cyclotomic character), then there is a $G_{\...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Base change of Hodge-Witt cohomology

Let $k$ be a perfect field of characteristic $p$, and $L$ be a finite extension of $k$. For a smooth projective variety $X$ defined over $k$, we denote the base change $X \times_k L$ by $X_L$. In this ...
OOOOOO's user avatar
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Does the map $\theta[1/p]: A_{\mathrm{inf}} \otimes \mathbb Q_p \to \mathbb C_p$ split?

This question might be very elementary to someone who knows p-adic hodge theory/perfectoid stuff etc. Recall that $\mathbb C_p = \hat{\overline{\mathbb Q_p}}$ and $\mathbb C_p^\flat$ is it's tilt. We ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Is there a smooth proper family whose fibers are not Mazur-Ogus?

Set $K$ to be a number field, denote by $\mathcal{O}_K$ the integer ring of $K$. My question is the following: Is there a smooth proper family $X \to \mathcal{O}_K$ whose fibers are not Mazur-Ogus?
user145752's user avatar
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Berthelot’s comparison theorem and functoriality

Let $A$ be a noetherian $p$-adically complete ring with an ideal $I$ equipped with a PD structure and such that $p$ is nilpotent on $A/I$. Let $S = \text{Spec}(A)$, $S_0 = \text{Spec}(A/I)$, $Y\to S$ ...
Ari's user avatar
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Is there a Hodge structure for smooth proper varieties over $\mathbb{C_p}$? [duplicate]

For smooth proper varieties over $\mathbb{Q_p}$, we have several comparison theorems in p-adic Hodge theory, in particular a p-adic Hodge structure. Now for $\mathbb{C_p}$, is there any such results ...
Bonbon's user avatar
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Does the pro-étale local system defined over a p-adic period domains interpolate crystalline representations?

There is a Grothendieck-Messing period morphism of rigid-analytic spaces $\pi: \mathcal{M}_\eta^{rig}\to \mathcal{Fl}$ going from the generic fiber of an EL-type Rapoport-Zinks to a flag variety. The ...
Ian Gleason's user avatar
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Are there good properties of the divided power completion map?

Let $Y \to X$ be a closed immersion of smooth schemes over, say, the ${\rm Spec}(\mathbb{Z}_p)$. The completion map $$X_{/Y}\to X$$ is an ind-closed immersion (sometimes called pseudo-closed immersion)...
Harry's user avatar
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Deformations over $A_{\inf}$

Setup: Let $K$ be a perfectoid field of characteristic $0$ with tilt $K^{\flat}$. Let $A_{\inf}=W(\mathcal{O}_{K^{\flat}})$ be the infinitesimal period ring. Let $\mathcal{X}$ be a flat, projective $\...
Kostas Kartas's user avatar
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$p$-adic étale cohomology group of open smooth varieties

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and let $X$ be a smooth variety over $K$. Dr. Yamashita announced that he had proved the Galois representation of $p$-adic étale cohomology group $H^*_{\...
OOOOOO's user avatar
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galois deformation ring with type is union of irreducible components

Notation: $K$ finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $G_K$ absolute Galois group of $K$, $E$ is finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ (coefficient field), $O_E$ is ring of integer in $E$. In this paper of ...
quasi-mathematician's user avatar
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A family of crystalline representations

Let $K$ be a number field and let $v$ be a finite place of $K$. Further, let $g \geq 1$ be a positive integer. Consider the family $F(K,v,g)$ consisting of abelian varieties $A$ of dimension $2g$, ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Can $h^{1, 0}$ and $h^{1, 1}$ jump for smooth projective surfaces over $\mathbb{Z}[1/N]$?

Let $N$ be a positive integer. Let $f:X\to S=\mathrm{Spec}\:\mathbb{Z}[1/N]$ be a smooth projective morphism of relative dimension 2 such that $R^1f_*\mathcal{O}_X$ and $R^2f_*\mathcal{O}_X$ are both ...
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