This question might be very elementary to someone who knows p-adic hodge theory/perfectoid stuff etc.
Recall that $\mathbb C_p = \hat{\overline{\mathbb Q_p}}$ and $\mathbb C_p^\flat$ is it's tilt. We define $A_{\mathrm{inf}} = W(\mathcal O_{\mathbb C_p^\flat})$ and there is a natural map: $$\theta: A_{\mathrm{inf}} \to \mathcal O_{\mathbb C_p}.$$ Does this map have a section (perhaps after localizing at $p$)? Similarly, one defines $B_{\mathrm{dR}}$, a complete, discretely valued ring with residue field $\mathbb C_p$ using $A_{\mathrm{inf}}$. Does the residue map $B_{\mathrm{dR}} \to \mathbb C_p$ split?
I suspect that the answer to both question is no but I am not sure how to see that.