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3 votes
0 answers

On generators of the multiplicative semigroup $\{r\in\mathbb Q:\ r>1\}$

The set $M=\{r\in\mathbb Q:\ r>1\}$ is a commutative semigroup with respect to the multiplication. For any integers $a>b\ge1$, we clearly have $$\frac ab=\prod_{n=b}^{a-1}\frac{n+1}n.$$ So the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Which algebraic structure characterizes the set of non-trivial qudratic residues in a finite field?

I understand this question may be too naive to ask, but I am unable to figure it out. Suppose, $\mathbb{QR^*}$ denotes the set of all quadratic residues in a finite field except the identity element $...
2 votes
1 answer

On the maximum elements of a numerical semigroup that have order between $n$ and $2n$

Let $S$ be a submonoid of the non-negative integers $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0}.$ If $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0} \setminus S$ is finite, we say that $S$ is a numerical semigroup. Let $S^*$ denote the collection of ...
3 votes
2 answers

On the Hilbert function of a numerical semigroup

Recall that a numerical semigroup $S$ is a submonoid of the non-negative integers $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0}$ whose relative complement $\mathbb Z_{\geq 0} \setminus S$ is finite. Observe that the collection ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are the n-ary subsemigroups of $\mathbb{N}$?

There is a well-known result about the subsemigroups of $\mathbb{N}$ stating that the additive subsemigroup generated by a (finite) set $A$ of $\mathbb{N}$ is cofinite in $\mathbb{N}$ if and only if $\...
2 votes
2 answers

On a generating set of numerical semigroups of multiplicity three

Let $S$ be a numerical semigroup. Let $\mathbb N$ denote the monoid of non-negative integers under addition. Let $F(S)=\max (\mathbb N \setminus S)$ be the Frobenius number of $S$; let $g(S)=|\mathbb ...
2 votes
0 answers

Type of numerical semigroups is not bounded when embedding dimension is $\geq 4$

I am currently studying numerical semigroups. I know that there is no upper bound for the type of a numerical semigroup with embedding dimension greater or equal than $4$. There is a famous example by ...
29 votes
1 answer

Is the Golomb countable connected space topologically rigid?

The Golomb space $\mathbb G$ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology generated by the base consisting of the arithmetic progressions $a+b\mathbb N_0$ with relatively prime $a,b$ and $...
3 votes
1 answer

How many monoids with $n$ arrows exist?

How many monoids with strictly $n$ arrows exist? Is this known? I ask this only out of curiosity. Looking at $n=1,2,3,4$, this number doesn't appear to be very large relative to $n$.
0 votes
1 answer

Multiplicative monoid of ring modulo units

Let $M = \mathbb{Z}[\phi] \setminus \{0\}$ be the multiplicative monoid of the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\phi]$ with $\phi = \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$ the golden ratio. We define the equivalence relationship $x\...
1 vote
0 answers

Is the Upper Banach density always zero with respect to some sequence of Finite subset

The following question came to me while reading the paper 'Density in Arbitrary Semigroups' by Hindman and Strauss. Question: Given an infinite subset $A$ of $\mathbb{N}$ such that $A^c$ is also ...
2 votes
1 answer

Has the "semidirect monoid of a semiring" been considered anywhere?

Given a semiring $S$, we get a monoid $M(S)$ as follows: The underlying set of $S$ is $S^2$ The identity element is $(0,1)$ The law of composition is given by $$(a,A)(b,B) = (Ba+b,AB),$$ where $a,A,b$...
1 vote
1 answer

Which positive integers can occur as the genus of a numerical semigroup minimally generated by 3 (or 2) elements?

Let $S$ be a numerical semigroup. Let $g(S)=|\mathbb N \setminus S |$, where $\mathbb N$ here denotes the set of non-negative integers. Let $e(S)$ be the embedding dimension of $S$, i.e. the ...
10 votes
0 answers

A formula for Frobenius number of certain numerical semigroups

The old formula for the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup generated by two elements can be stated as follows: assume $\gcd\{a+1,b+1\}=1$, then the Frobenius number of $S= \left<a+1,b+1\...
2 votes
1 answer

Finding index/period of a semigroup element

The index and period of a finite monogenic semigroup $\langle x\rangle$ are the smallest numbers $i$ and $p$, respectively, satisfying $x^{i+p}=x^p$. The question is: Is there an algorithm to find ...
5 votes
0 answers

Zappa-Szép products of the monoid of integers with itself

Question What are all the functions $\alpha , \beta : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ satisfying the following functional equations? $\bullet ~~~~ \alpha(0)=0, \quad \beta(0)=0\\ \bullet ~~~ \...
13 votes
1 answer

Coin problem with permutations

Let $a,b,c$ be positive integers with gcd$(a,b,c)=1$, and let $\mathbb{N}$ denote the set of nonnegative integers. It is well known that $\mathbb{N} \setminus (a \mathbb{N}+b \mathbb{N} + c \mathbb{N}...
3 votes
0 answers

Given a primitive finite set $A\subseteq\bf N$ with $0\in A$, find two more primitive sets $B,C\subseteq\bf N$ with $B\ne C$ and $A+B=A+C$

Let $\mathcal P_{{\rm fin},0}(\mathbf N)$ be the monoid of all finite subsets of $\mathbf N$ containing $0$ with the operation of set addition $$ (X, Y) \mapsto X + Y := \{x+y: x \in X \text{ and }y \...
2 votes
3 answers

on the set of numbers generated by integer linear combination of two real numbers.

Let $b > a > 0$ be two real numbers. I am interested in the set of numbers $X(p,q) = p a + q b$ with $p,q$ positive integers. Basically this is the set $a \mathbb{N} + b \mathbb{N}$. What ...
5 votes
1 answer

Sets of natural numbers such that sums of a bounded number of its elements form a semigroup

This is a naive question and I'm afraid it might be better placed on I would like to leave it to your judgement. I would like to know what is known about sets $A$ of natural numbers such ...
4 votes
0 answers

On the computational complexity of the Hilbert polynomial of numerical semigroup rings

Let $(R, \mathfrak{m}) = k[[X^a, X^b, X^c]]$, $a<b<c$, $gcd(a, b, c) = 1$, be a semigroup ring. We have $R$ is a Cohen-Macaulay local ring of dimension one. It is well known that $\ell(R/\...
1 vote
1 answer

Counting modular squares in an interval

For an integer $m$, let $S^m_{x_0,x_1} = \{ t | x_0 ≤ t ≤ x_1 $ and $t$ is a square modulo $m \}$. Let $S^m_x$ = $S^m_{0,x}$. Determining whether the sets $S^m_x$ are empty is easy (1 is always a ...