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Twisted crossed product von Neumann Algebras

I asked a question over on Math.stackexchange a few days ago, but it didn't get much activity. Hopefully this question isn't considered too elementary by the standards of Mathoverflow. Here is what I ...
user193319's user avatar
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McDuff groups and McDuff factors

I asked a question over on Math.Stackexchange with the same title, but I didn't get any activity over there, which made me think that the question would be better suited for MathOverflow. I suppose ...
user193319's user avatar
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Is the "Laplacian" a MASA in a Burnside Factor?

It is a basic fact that every type $II_{1}$ factor posesses a maximal abelian $*$-subalgebra (MASA). My question concerns the concrete realization of such subalgebras. For example, in the free group ...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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Abstract characterization of group von Neumann algebra (II1 factor)

The group von Neumann algebra $L\Gamma$ is a factor if and only if the group $\Gamma$ is ICC (i.e. infinite conjugacy class property). Moreover if $\Gamma$ is nontrivial then $L\Gamma$ is a $\mathrm{...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Find a lower bound for a pre-invariant $Fol(L(F_m), X_m)$

In the paper of Bannon and Ravichandran, A Folner invariant for type $\rm{II}_1$ factors, they defined an invariant $Fol(M)$ for a separable type $\rm{II}_1$ factor $M$, especially for the free group ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Does this element belong to $\mathbb CG$?

Let $G$ be a torsion-free group. Let $\alpha$ be a symmetric element of $\mathbb CG$, i.e. $\alpha^*=\alpha$, with $\|\alpha\|_1=\sum|\alpha(g)|<1$, so $\beta:=\sum_{n\ge 0}(-1)^n\alpha^n$ is an ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Convergence of Brown measures

For each $n\in \mathbb N$, let $\mathcal M_n$ be a finite von Neumann algebra with a faithful trace $\tau_n$. Fix a non-principal ultrafilter $\omega$ on $\mathbb N$. Let $\mathcal M^\omega$ be the ...
Andrei Jaikin's user avatar
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An example of non trivial projections in a group von Neumann algebra

Let $G$ and $\text{vN}(G)$ be a torsion free group and its group von Neumann algebra. Is there a characterization of non trivial projections in $\text{vN}(G)$? If not, is a certain class of them ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Unitary element of the group algebra

Let $G$ be a torsion free group. Are unitary elements of $\mathbb CG$ studied? By unitary element I mean an element $\alpha$ in $\mathbb CG$, such that $\alpha^*\alpha=1$? Do the triviality of unitary ...
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