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Confusion with implementation of PDE constraint Bayesiain inverse problem

Consider a PDE, $$\partial_t u -a \nabla u - ru (1-u) = 0$$ at a given snapshot in time. The inverse problem is to find the diffusion coefficient $a \in L^{\infty}$ from a noisy measurement $$Y = \Phi(...
Jarwin's user avatar
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Lumped mass matrices and bubble functions for tetrahedral elements

For whatever reason, I stubbornly decided to use tetrahedral elements and find myself needing to use P3 elements with bubble functions ("P3b3d" in FREEFEM-style denomination). The 2d case is ...
Sébastien Loisel's user avatar
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Error estimates in the $L^2$ norm of conforming FEM about Poisson’s equation with mixed boundary conditions

Consider Poisson’s equation $$- \Delta u = f{\rm\qquad{ in }}\;\Omega $$ with following mixed boundary cconditions $$u = g{\rm\qquad{ on }}\;\Gamma \subset \partial \Omega $$ $$\frac{{\...
David's user avatar
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Typo in error a-priori estimate in a discontinuous Galerkin paper?

I'm looking at this famous paper which is available in the link below: Franco Brezzi, LD Marini, Endre Süli, Discontinuous Galerkin methods for first-order hyperbolic problems, Mathematical Models ...
bobinthebox's user avatar
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Formulation of multipoint constraints using Lagrange multipliers for a time dependent problem (with the Finite Element Method)

Intro Suppose we have the following static linear equations (e.g. of an elastostatic problem): $$\mathbf{K}\boldsymbol{u}=\boldsymbol{f}$$ We want a multipoint constraint of the type $$\boldsymbol{\...
Breno's user avatar
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Coonvergence rate for the clamped plate problem when approximating with polygonal domains

I'm trying to understand Ridgeway Scott's "A survey of displacement methods for the plate bending problem" [1]. In chapter four he is talking about polygonal approximation and states that ...
noiser5's user avatar
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How to solve with FEM a semilinear elliptic equation?

I searched in many books regarding FEM how to solve semilinear elliptic equation, but I did not find too many things. They mostly treat linear and simple problems. For example in P.Ciarlet-The finite ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Time discretization of the variational formulation of the Navier-Stokes equation

Let $T>0$ $I:=(0,T]$ $d\in\mathbb N$ $\Lambda\subseteq\mathbb R^d$ be nonempty and open, $$\mathcal V:=\left\{\phi\in C_c^\infty(\Lambda,\mathbb R^d):\nabla\cdot\phi=0\right\}$$ and $$V:=\overline{...
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