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Relation(s) between units and nilpotent elements in graded noncommutative rings

In Commutative Algebra we have the following standard facts which I am going to state in a slightly different form than usually found in textbooks. Namely, let $A$ be a commutative unital ring of ...
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Rings s.t. each element has a power lying in the center (and their completely prime ideals)

Let $R$ be a ring (throughout, all rings are associative and unital). We say $R$ satisfies condition (C) if, for every $a \in R$, there exists an integer $n \ge 1$ (depending on $a$) such that $a^n$ ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Every module of finite uniform dimension is a direct sum of (finitely many) indecomposable

Crossposted on StackExchange on July 28 (no answer so far). Let $R$ be a (commutative or non-commutative, associative, unital) ring. It is well known that any artinian or noetherian $R$-module $M$ can ...
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Do $r(a) \leq^\oplus R$ and $r(a) = r(a^2)$ imply $r(a) = eR$ and $aR \subseteq (1-e)R$ for some idempotent $e$?

Let $R$ be a (commutative or non-commutative, associative) ring with unity, and let $a$ be an element of $R$ such that $r(a) = r(a^2)$, where $r(\cdot)$ denotes a right annihilator. It follows that $r(...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Rings where every indecomposable principal right ideal is extensive

Let $R$ be a (commutative or non-commutative, associative) unital ring. Following Nicholson & Yousif [1, p. 21], we say that a right ideal $\mathfrak i$ of $R$ is extensive if every $R$-linear ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Every non-zero submodule of $R_R$ has an indecomposable direct summand: True when $R$ is von Neumann regular?

Let's say that a (right) module $M$ is well complemented if every non-zero submodule of $M$ has an indecomposable direct summand (by the way, is there a better or more standard name for this property?)...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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On the rings $R$ with the property that $eR \cong fR$ for all primitive idempotents $e, f \in R$

Let $R$ be a (commutative or non-commutative) ring with identity. As usual, an idempotent $e \in R$ is primitive if $eR$ (the principal right ideal generated by $e$) is indecomposable as a right ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Origins of a theorem on an atomic factorizations in domains and cancellative monoids satisfying the ACCPL and the ACCPR

Let $H$ be a (commutative or non-commutative) monoid. We say that $H$ satisfies the ACCPL (ascending chain condition on principal left ideals) if there exists no infinite sequence of principal left ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
21 votes
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Is there any non-commutative ring such that every element other than the identity is a zero divisor?

A (unital) ring $R$ with the property that every element other than the identity $1_R$ is a (two-sided) zero divisor, seems to be commonly called a "$0$-ring" or "$\mathcal O$-ring"...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there any structural characterization of the rings in which every element other than the identity is a (two-sided) zero divisor?

[I fear that I'm missing something obvious here, but I'll dare to ask anyway.] As we all know, a division ring is a (unital, associative, non-zero) ring where every non-zero element is a unit. So, let ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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The ring of upper triangular $n$-by-$n$ matrices over a skew field is (left and right) Rickart

Let $T_n(R)$ be the ring of upper triangular $n$-by-$n$ matrices with entries in a (commutative or non-commutative) unital ring $R$. It happened to me to note that, if $R$ is a skew field, then $T_2(R)...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
6 votes
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Cohn localization examples

I'm working on my master's thesis, part of which involves an exposition on Cohn localization. (nlab discussion) In Free ideal rings and localization in general rings, Sec 7.4, Cohn gives a ...
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Rings $R$ such that every [regular] square matrix with entries in $R$ is equivalent to an upper triangular matrix

Let $\text{M}_n(R)$ be the ring of $n$-by-$n$ matrices with entries in a commutative unital ring $R$. Theorem III in C.R. Yohe, Triangular and Diagonal Forms for Matrices over Commutative ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
3 votes
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Reference request: Hecke agebra over non-commutative rings

I think the title sums it up quite well: Is it a useful idea to define the Iwahori-Hecke algebra over a non-commutative $k$-algebra? If so, what shape should the relations attain? Bonus question: ...
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Notation and reference for polynomials with coefficients not commuting with the indeterminates

Let $R$ be a noncommutative ring (with unit). Then a "fully noncommutative" (for a lack of better wording) monomial over $R$ in the single noncommutative indeterminate $X$ of degree $d$ is given by a ...
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